NH State Veterans Cemetery
NH State Veterans Cemetery Aerial View
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Master Plan 2004

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Information Kiosk

NH State Veterans Cemetery Information Kiosk
NH State Veterans Cemetery Information Kiosk
NH State Veterans Cemetery Information Kiosk
NH State Veterans Cemetery Information Kiosk
NH State Veterans Cemetery Information Kiosk
NH State Veterans Cemetery Information Kiosk
Felix & Pauline Stelmack - NH State Veterans Cemetery
NH State Veterans Cemetery Information Kiosk

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Chapel

NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural


NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural

NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural -

Artist: Sheldon Cassady - Sponsored by the Department of New Hampshire Ladies Auxiliary VFW

NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural
NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural

Military Memorabilia

NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Combat Helmet
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - 75mm Casing
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - 75mm Cartridge
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Flanders Fields
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Desert Storm Hat
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - WWI Helmet
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - James H McCarthy Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Rene Gagnon - Arlington Cemetery
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - WWII Gas Mask
NH State Veterans Cemetery National Guard Pin
NH State Veterans Cemetery War On Terrorism Service Medal
NH State Veterans Cemetery - World War II Freedom Medal
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Army Photo
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - War Rations Book
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Camp Winant Rye Beach Banner
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Rye NH Coastal Artillery
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Fort Terry National Guard Banner
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Grenade
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Fox Company Vietnam
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Camp Tobey NH National Guard
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - 128th Navy Construction WWII
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - POW-MIA Eagle
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - UIS Air Corps Hankie
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Army Bugle
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - Combat Helmet
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - NH Medal of Honor
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - NH Medal of Honor
NH State Veterans Cemetery Display Case - NH Medal of Honor

Purple Heart Plaque - Presented by Senator Kelly Ayotte - May 30th, 2012

Purple Heart Plaque - Presented by Senator Kelly Ayotte May 30 2012
Purple Heart Plaque - Presented by Senator Kelly Ayotte May 30 2012
Purple Heart Plaque - Presented by Senator Kelly Ayotte May 30 2012

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Walkway

Monument NumberMonument or BenchTitleDirectorBranch of ServiceConflictIn Memory ofOrganizationLocation or ChapterDedication Date
1MonumentVietnam Veterans of New Hampshire who Gave their LivesRogerAllVietnam WarNew Hampshire Vietnam VeteransGranite State Vietnam Veterans Foundation IncManchester New Hampshire5/22/2004
2MonumentVietnam Veterans of AmericaMikeAllVietnam War Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 41 
3MonumentNH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Murals SponsorsRogerAllAllJacqueline NevinVFW Ladies Auxiliary 2007-2008
4BenchWooden Bench - Russell & Lil Tanguay US Marine Corps Russell & Lil Tanguay   
5MonumentMajor General Lloyd M PriceRogerNH National Guard Major General Lloyd M PriceNH National Guard  
6MonumentRed Knights Firefighters Motorcycle ClubShawn      
7MonumentNHSVC Section Four Gazebo DonationsRoger  James SteenbekeSteenbeke Family  
8MonumentNH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Stained Glass SponsorsRoger Vietnam Vietnam Veterans Foundation  
9MonumentAmerican Legion Post 7 - Rochester NHRogerAll  American LegionChapter 7 - Rochester NH 
10MonumentMartin Lawrence Gillespie Jr - Navy Cross RecipientRogerUS NavyVietnamMartin Lawrence Gillespie Jr.   
11MonumentUS Marine Raiders 1942-1944MikeUS MarinesWorld War II Bud ShefieldN/A4/16/2016
12MonumentUS Marine CorpsRogerUS MarinesAll   11/10/2005
13MonumentUS Marines 1775-1978 Soldiers of the SeaMikeUS MarinesAll Marine Corp LeagueDept of NH5/22/2014
14MonumentGator Utility Vehicle - WWII - US Navy Commander Edgar Morse PoterRogerUS NavyWorld War IICommander Edgar Morse Potter   
15BenchRene Arthur Gagnon US MarinesWorld War IIRene Author Gagnon   
16BenchNAM Knights of America MC - Granite State ChapterRogerAllVietnam NAM Knights of America MCGranite State Chapter 
17MonumentUS Coast GuardMikeUS Coast GuardAll Coast Guard Veterans 8/6/2011
18MonumentUS Air Force Memorial / Airman's Creed / NH Air Force History / Air Force HeritageRogerUS Air ForceAllMen and Women of the US Air ForceBrigadier General Harrison R Thyng Air Force Association - Chapter 249 / Portsmouth By the Sea Air Force Sergeant's Association Chapter 155/A155Chaptrer 249 - Hooksett NH / Chapter 155/A155 Portsmouth NH11/11/2008
19MonumentMichael W Horne - NSVC DirectorMikeUS Air Force  NHSVC EmployeesN/A10/10/2018
20BenchNAM Knights of America MC - White Mountain Chapter AllVietnam`NAM Knights of America MCNH White Mountain Chapter 
21MemorialNH State Veterans Cemetery - Avenue of Flags ReplacementRogerAllAll    
22MemorialGeorge R Cochrane VFW Post 7015 - Goffstown NHRogerAllAll Veterans of Foreign WarsGeorge R Cochrane Post 7015 - Goffstown NH 
23BenchWooden Bench - DAV Chapter 25 Salem NH    Disabled American VeteransChapter 25 - Salem NH 
24MemorialNH State Veterans Cemetery - Avenue of Flags SponsorsRogerAllAll    
25BenchAmerican Legion Post 31 - Penacook NH AllAll American LegionPost 31 - Penacook NH 
26MemorialVeterans of the Battle of the Bulge - Chapter 17RogerAllWorld War IIVeterans of the Battle of the BulgeVeterans of the Battle of the BulgeChapter 17 
27MemorialUSS Frank E Evans DD-754MikeUS NavyVietnamCrew of the USS Frank E EvansUSS Frank Evans DD754 AssociationNational5/11/2016
28MemorialUS Navy Seabee Veterans of AmericaRogerUS NavyAllAllUS Navy Seabee Veterans of America  
29BenchUS Navy Seabee Veterans of America - Lakes RegionRogerUS NavyAllAllUS Navy Seabee Veterans of AmericaLakes Region Chapter 
30MemorialUS Navy MemorialRogerUS NavyAll Farmington NH American LegionFarmington NH American Legion - Post 609/23/2007
31MemorialCrew of the USS Samuel B Roberts (DE413)RogerUS NavyWorld War IICrew of the USS Samuel B RobertsFamily of Fireman First Class Lawrence W Martel 9/23/2007
32MemorialUS Merchant MarinesMikeUS Merchant MarinesWorld War II Armand A.J & Nancy DupontN/A5/30/2009
33BenchAnnie Frasier Norton WWII US Navy Yeoman US NavyWorld War IIAnnie Frasier Norton US Navy   
34MemorialAmerican Legion Post 21RogerAllAll American LegionPost 21 
35BenchWooden Bench - Arthur Gagnon & Ernest Gagnon  World War I    
36MemorialKnights of Colombus 12147, Bishop Leo O'neilMikeAllAll Knights of Colombus27147 Bishop Leo O'Neil - Franklin NH2011
37MemorialKnights of Colombus Post 2170 Father A.J. Timon Assembly, Franklin NHRogerAllAll Knights of ColombusPost 2170 Father A.J. Timon Assembly, Franklin NH 
38MemorialKnights Of Colombus No. 4442 Salem NHRogerAllAll Knights of Colombus4442 Salem NH 
39MemorialKnights of Colombus No. 0638 Franklin NHRoger   Knights of Colombus0638 Franklin NH 
40MemorialNew Hampshire Elks VeteransRogerAllAll NH Elks  
41MemorialFuture Monument       
42BenchWooden Bench - Private Verne M Greeley USMC US Marine CorpsVietnamPrivate Verne M GreeleyNephew of State Senator Jack Barnes  
43BenchWooden Bench - NH State Veterans Cemetery Staff    NH State Veterens Cemetery Staff  
44MemorialBrown & Knight VFW Post 8268 Bennington NHMikeAllAll Veterans of Foreign WarsBrown & Knight VFW Post 8268, Bennington NH5/16/2007
45MemorialNHSVC Sections 5 & 6 Expansion DonationsRogerUS Navy Willard E Bussieres & Joseph W ParkerJ. Parker Construction 1/3/2005
46MemorialPOW Losses / POW WWII / POW Korean WarRogerAllWWII & Korean WarNew Hampshire Ex-POWsNH Ex-Pow Organization Chapter 1Center Harbor NH9/21/2007
47BenchWooden Bench - VFW Post 11490    Veterans of Foreign WarsPost 11490 
48MemorialVFW Concord NH Post 1631RogerAllAll Veterans of Foreign WarsConcord NH Post 16319/21/2007
49MemorialMsgr Buckley Assembly 0627 NH Knights of ColombusMikeAllAll Knights of ColombusMsgr Buckley Assembly 06272013
50BenchWooden Bench - Charles Katis & Spiro Linatsas   Charles Katis & Spiro Linatsas   
51MemorialCatholic War Veterans MemorialMikeAllAllCatholic War VeteransCatholic War Veterans USADepartment of New Hampshire4/17/2010
52MemorialThe 40 & 8 American Legion MemorialMikeAllAll American Legion40 & 8 Manchester NH4/15/2013
53BenchAmerican Legion - Post 63 Salem NH    American LegionPost 63, Salem NH 
54MonumentSons of the American LegionMikeAllAll Sons of the American LegionSons of the American Legion - New Hampshire6/9/2018
55BenchAMVETS - American Veterans Post 2 , Salem NH All  AMVETSPost 2 - Salem, NH5/27/2018
56MonumentNHSVC Hydro-Seeder & Power Lawn Vacuum DonationsRoger   American LegionHenry J Sweeney Post #22003
57BenchConcord NH Lions Club    Lions ClubConcord, NH 
58MonumentFuture Monument       
59MonumentNH Daughters of the American RevolutionMikeAllAll NH Daughters of the American Revolution 4/25/2015
60MonumentAmerican Legion - Post 88 - Loudon NHRoger   American LegionPost 88 - Loudon NH2008
61MonumentSheldon Family Military HistoryRoger   Sheldon Family  
62BenchWooden Bench - Byron B Buckingham   Byron B Buckingham   
63MemorialGlobal War on Terror MemorialMikeAllGlobal War on TerrorNH Global War on Terror CasualtiesVeterans Memorial Monuments Fund 5/30/2016
64MemorialRolling Thunder NH Chapter 1RogerAllAll Rolling ThunderNew Hampshire Chapte 1 
65BenchRolling Thunder NH Chapter 1RogerAllAll Rolling ThunderNew Hampshire Chapte 1 
66BenchAllied Memorial Remembrance Ride       
67MemorialNative American VeteransMikeAllAllNative American Veterans  11/13/2010
68MonumentFuture Monument       
69BenchWooden Bench - In Memory of those who Served   Those who Served   
70MemorialNHSVC Trees - DonationsRoger      
71MemorialSpecial Forces RegimentRogerUS ARMY  US Special Forces Chapter LXXIINH Chapter 72x/x/2004
72MemorialUS Special Forces Association Chapter LXXIIMike All US Special Forces Chapter LXXIINH Chapter 7211/12/2011
73MemorialUS Army MemorialMikeUS ArmyAllUS ARMY VeteransUS ARMY Monument Committee 5/30/2011
73AMemorialUS Army Air CorpsShawnUS ARMY Air CorpsWWII   8/22/2021
74BenchIndependant Organization of Odd Fellows AllAll Independent Organization of Odd Fellows  
75MemorialDisabled American Veterans AllAll Disabled American Veterans  
76BenchNew Hampshire Veterans Association Auxiliary AllAll New Hampshire Veterans AssociationWeirs New Hampshire5/30/2013
77MemorialGold Star FamiliesMikeAllAllGold Star FamiliesGold Star FamiliesNH Gold Star Families10/6/2018
78MemorialNH State GrangeMikeAllAll NH State Grange 5/18/2013
79MemorialNH State Veterans Cemetery - Granite Benches SponsorsRogerAllAll    
80MemorialFuture Monument       
81MemorialBlue Star MemorialShawnAllAqllBlue Star FamiliesBlue Star FamiliesNH Blue Star Families10/21/2018
82MemorialCombat Veterans Association - NH Chapter VRogerAllAllCombat VeteransCombat Veterans AssociationNH Chapter8/16/2008
83BenchCombat Vets Motorcycle Club Bench  AllCombat VeteransCombat Vets  
84MonumentThe Reflection Fountain - Blue Star MothersRogerAll  NH Blue Star MothersNH Blue Star Mothers5/30/2009
85BenchWooden Bench - Sgt William J Tracey Jr. US ArmyOperation Enduring FreedomSgt. William J Tracey JR   
86MonumentMilitary Order of World Wars - Granite State Chapter 162RogerAllWorld War I & World War IIVeterans of All World WarsMilitary Order of World WarsGranite State Chapter 1625/31/2005
87MonumentGerard (Monty) Montembeault US Navy World War IIMikeUS NavyWorld War IIGerard (Monty) MontembeaultEva Montembeault 2009
88BenchAmerican Legion China Post OneMikeAll  American LegionChina Post One9/12/2014
89MonumentNH State Veterans Cemetery - Historical WalkwayRogerAllAll    
90MonumentKorean War MemorialRogerAllKorean WarKorean War Casualties  5/30/2007
91BenchContocook VFW Post 11490    VFW Post 11490Contocook Post 11490 
92BenchNew Hampshire Free Masons    NH Free Masons  
93MonumentFourth Marine Division - World War IIRogerUS MarinesWorld War II1st Lieutenant Ben Toland4th Marine Division AssociationNew Hampshire Chapte 38 
94BenchThe Fighting Fourth - Iwo Jima Marines US MarinesWorld War II    
95BenchWooden Bench - William G Riley   William GH Riley   
96BenchAmerican Legion Firing Squad - Post 48 Hudson NHMike   American LegionPost 48 - Hudson NH2009
97MemorialCombat Wounded Veterans Memorial - Purple HeartRogerAllAllWounded VeteransMilitary Order of the Purple HeartFive Minuitemen Chapter 395 Nashua NH8/7/2005
98BenchVeterans Helping Veterans Bench AllAll Vietnam Veterans of America  
99BenchVietnam Veterans of America - Central NH Chapter 41  Vietnam Vietnam Veterans of AmericaCentral NH Chapter 41

#1 -NH State Vietnam Veterans Memorial

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam War Memorial Proposal
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam War Memorial - Dedicated May 22 2004
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam War Memorial - Dedicated May 22 2004
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam War Memorial - Dedicated May 22 2004
Ann Goulet & Raymond Goulet Jr - Designers of the Nh Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
General John E Blair - Dedication of the NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial May 22 2004
NH State Veterans Cemetery Vietnam Veterans Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam Casualty Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam Casualty Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam Casualty Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam Casualty Memorial
Last NameNameConflictBranch of ServiceTownBornDiedAge
AbbottTerry Michael Abbott PVTVietnamMarinesLancaster5/8/492/22/6818
AckermanDavid Alan Ackerman PFCVietnamArmyDerry7/18/496/6/6818
AhernRobert Paul Ahern SP5VietnamArmyLaconia3/19/423/30/6927
AlbertDaniel John Albert SgtVietnamArmyBerlin11/19/4811/21/6820
AllowayClyde Douglas Alloway Tech SGT MIAVietnamAir ForcePortsmouth10/18/376/7/7032
ArchboldJohn Christopher Archbold MajorVietnamMarinesPortsmouth10/17/296/7/6939
BadolatiFrank Neil Badolati SSG MIAVietnamArmyGoffstown3/19/331/29/6632
BallGary Wayne Ball SP4VietnamArmyWalpole3/25/487/16/6820
BarnettGlendon Roman Barnett SP4VietnamArmyJaffrey3/19/446/14/6723
BartlettJames B Bartlett SGTVietnamArmyPortsmouth4/6/427/2/6624
BeauidoinGaetan Jean Guy Beaudoin SGTVietnamArmyManchester9/5/488/26/6920
BeaupreGilbert Thomas Beaupre SP4VietnamArmyManchester4/3/4310/25/6724
BennettMichael E Bennett 2nd LtVietnamArmyBrentwood4/15/4611/2/6721
BlanchetteGuy Andre Blanchette SGTVietnamArmyManchester11/30/468/26/6922
BloomLawrence Clifford Bloom SgtVietnamArmyExeter3/28/471/26/6820
BouchardRichard George Bouchard CplVietnamMarinesManchester7/17/479/19/6922
BradyMichael Ervan Brady SP4VietnamArmyNewport1/1/461/28/6721
BrooksRichard Albert Brooks CplVietnamMarinesPittsfield8/3/474/25/6820
BroomeCecil Angus Broome Jr. SSGVietnamArmyLancaster9/5/335/26/6632
BrownBruce Wadleigh Brown 1st LtVietnamArmyHampton2/13/459/12/6823
BrownJames Warren Brown PFCVietnamArmyCampton7/16/463/13/6619
BrownMark Lawrence Brown Sp4VietnamArmyHampton4/19/509/27/6919
BrownWarren Richard Brown SP4VietnamArmyNashua3/18/472/22/6820
BunkerDavid Elvin Bunker SP4VietnamArmyKingston11/8/4611/13/6721
BurnettSheldon John Burnett Colonel MIA - Body Returned to USVietnamArmyPelham6/9/315/29/7947
CabanaJohn Bishop Cabana Jr CaptainVietnamAir ForceNew Castle9/22/393/29/6727
CahillGeorge Eugene CahillVietnamMarinesRochester2/13/388/29/6729
CamirePaul Joseph Camire L CorporalVietnamMarinesExeter11/7/465/25/6720
CassFrank Lee Cass CplVietnamArmyPlymouth11/1/513/11/7119
CastelotRobert Sheehan Castelot PFCVietnamMarinesHillsborough1/21/486/11/6820
CateWilliam Earl Cate SgtVietnamMarinesHillsborough10/4/369/15/6629
ChamberlinHoward Arthur Chamberlin L CorporalVietnamMarinesBrookfield1/10/479/12/6720
CloughArthur Edward Clough PFCVietnamMarinesGrantham3/18/502/18/7019
CormierRonald Raymond Cormier PFCVietnamMarinesPortsmouth4/8/484/21/6719
CoronisMartin James Coronis WOVietnamArmyNashua12/6/427/11/6724
CummingsRalph Ronald Cummings PFCVietnamMarinesPortsmouth2/13/513/18/7120
CuttingWilliam Stanley Cutting PO2VietnamNavyLebanon10/29/444/1/6823
DaleGeorge Louis Dale SFCVietnamArmyGorham7/4/415/6/6826
DaleyRaymond Coyle Daley 1st LtVietnamMarinesDover11/30/437/3/6824
DavisRonald Charles Davis SGTVietnamArmyNew Boston12/20/481/23/7021
DavisWilliam Thomas Davis PFCVietnamMarinesHolderness7/18/498/25/6819
DelanoDarwin James Delano SP4VietnamArmyHinsdale3/23/4711/26/6821
Demers Richard Arthur Demers CPLVietnamMarinesBerlin2/27/4710/16/6720
Demers Jr.Arthur Emile Demers Jr. CPLVietnamMarinesPenacook11/25/467/2/6720
DerosierRichard Terrance Derosier WOVietnamArmyClaremont7/10/401/3/7029
DescoteauxMaurice Claude Descoteaux SSGVietnamArmyBerlin2/9/308/19/6737
DesmaraisGeorge Philip Desmarais PFCVietnamMarinesConcord7/24/493/28/6818
DickeyCharles Joseph Dickey 1st LtVietnamArmyLancaster10/9/417/7/6826
DionneRobert Paul Dionne HRVietnamNavyManchester4/2/437/14/6522
DoucetLeon Normand Doucet CPLVietnamMarinesManchester9/8/452/5/6721
DouilletteWilliam Raymond Douillette Jr. PFCVietnamMarinesConcord10/20/501/29/6918
DubiaLawrence Normand Dubia MSGTVietnamMarinesTilton7/3/342/4/7035
DurlingJoseph Agustus Durling III PFCVietnamMarinesDerry3/3/499/7/6718
DyerOrrin Leonard Dyer Jr CWOVietnamArmyRumney7/1/292/3/6838
EmroRobert Bennett Emro PSGTVietnamArmyStrafford10/27/294/18/6737
FalconeJohn Paul Falcone Jr CPT VietnamArmyHampton10/28/3911/11/6728
FeasterWilliam Newcomer Feaster CPT ChaplainVietnamArmyPortsmouth5/14/3810/26/6628
FecteauRalph Barnard Fecteau Jr PVTVietnamMarinesCornish12/6/475/23/6820
FinanRobert Edward Finan Lance CplVietnamMarinesClaremont7/5/4912/16/6920
FinnJames Norman Finn SFCVietnamArmySalem6/6/3112/4/6635
FlanaganGeorge Francis Flanagan SSGTVietnamMarinesNashua9/12/381/4/6829
FletcherPeter Fletcher CPLVietnamMarinesHudson9/21/461/20/6922
FordMarshall H Ford WOVietnamArmyMarlborough4/10/451/7/6822
FraserWilliam George Fraser CPLVietnamMarinesManchester2/4/4712/28/6720
FratusEdward Francis Fratus SP5VietnamArmyConcord2/17/4912/9/6920
FrostGerald James Frost CPLVietnamArmyDover12/9/476/8/6820
GalbreathRobert Gene Galbreath SP4VietnamArmyWinchester3/25/522/25/7219
GamelinErnest Ulric Gamelin Jr PFCVietnamArmySuncook11/3/4812/23/6820
GanleyRichard Owen Ganley LTCVietnamAir ForceKeene9/22/406/29/7837
GardnerDavid Ernest Gardner PFCVietnamArmyWalpole5/29/4812/11/6820
GardnerRobert Louis Gardner SGTVietnamArmyNashua7/1/226/13/6239
GaudetThomas Wilfred Gaudet PO3VietnamNavySalem7/20/474/21/6921
GeisterMichael Lewis Geister 1st LTVietnamArmyRye2/17/463/16/7024
GelinasJoseph Armand Roger Gelinas CWOVietnamArmyManchester1/3/2810/11/6739
GenestRichard Edgar Genest SSGVietnamArmyManchester8/7/458/26/6924
GirouardYvon Eldmond Girouard PFCVietnamMarinesLittleton4/1/495/23/6920
GodboutRichard Gerald Godbout SGTVietnamArmyManchester1/11/4812/30/6719
GosfreyBarry William Godfrey WOVietnamArmyPelham2/10/508/25/7020
GreeleyVerne Milton Greeley PFCVietnamMarinesDerry9/11/477/6/6719
GuildEliot Franklin Guild PO2VietnamMarinesWinchester9/16/461/20/6821
HainesRobert Frederick Haines SSGVietnamArmyLoudon 12/21/428/27/6724
HalgrenRichard Lee Halgren A1CVietnamAir ForceNashua6/4/469/24/6822
HallKenneth Robert Hall SSGTVietnamMarinesKeene5/28/354/24/6630
HallKenneth Walter Hall LT ColonelVietnamArmyNashua6/17/266/24/6842
HarrimanEugene Howard Harriman SSGVietnamArmyWest Frankin2/13/3612/23/6731
HarvellRichard Kenefick Harvell Lance CorporalVietnamMarinesBedford12/17/479/29/6719
HebertYvon Andre Hebert CPLVietnamArmyStratford10/2/461/17/6720
HelmichGerald Robert Helmich Colonel MIAVietnamAir ForceManchester11/17/319/1/7846
HerseyCarroll Fanklin Hersey MGYSGT GunnyVietnamMarinesWolfeboro5/13/285/18/6941
HildrethDavis Wayne Hildreth SP4VietnamArmyWarren9/19/494/14/6919
HillsgroveBarry Malcolm Hillsgrove PFCVietnamArmyDover2/22/473/30/6821
HoganJohn Lawrence Hogan 1st LtVietnamArmyExeter12/29/473/28/7123
HowardRalph Arthur Howard SSGVietnamArmyHillsborough8/13/482/10/7021
HurdJay Allen Hurd PFCVietnamArmyLaconia1/18/479/1/6619
IndykFrank Alan Indyk Lance CprlVietnamArmyRaymond6/22/4912/15/6718
JewettStephen Dyer Jewett SP4VietnamMarinesEast Andover12/14/4212/27/6523
JohnstonRichard Bruce Johnston SP4VietnamArmyCandia1/11/466/22/6721
JordonKenneth Bradley Jordan PFCVietnamMarinesTwin Mountain3/25/483/27/6719
JoyWilliam Arthur Joy HNVietnamMarinesManchester12/3/478/11/6820
JoyWilliam Clyde Joy Lance CprlVietnamMarinesEpsom8/15/509/17/6919
JoyceGeorge Edward Joyce PVTVietnamArmyPortsmouth9/15/4312/5/6522
KaiserHoward Walker Kaiser 1st LtVietnamAir ForceChesterfield3/25/419/13/6625
KellerRonald Norman Keller PO3VietnamNavyExeter2/16/482/9/6819
KelleyVerne Carl Kelley 1st LtVietnamArmyEast Barrington2/14/422/12/6926
KenisonBenjamin Albert Kenison CPLVietnamMarinesJefferson4/2/469/16/6620
KiltonStanley Roy Kilton Jr. PFCVietnamMarinesManchester3/25/486/28/6820
KilukEdward George Kiluk Jr SP4VietnamArmyPelham1/16/497/24/7021
KnightRobert Louis Knight Jr SGTVietnamArmyBennington5/9/484/11/6920
KowalczykCzeslaw Kowalczyk SSGVietnamArmyNashua3/3/2612/5/6539
KreitzerDavid Alan Kreitzer CWOVietnamArmyLaconia4/20/4612/2/6721
LabonteRoland Charles Labonte CPTVietnamArmyNashua7/28/354/19/6933
LafaveRussell Thomas Lafave PFCVietnamArmyLoudon 8/13/514/1/7018
LarocheErnest Albert Laroche PVTVietnamMarinesWest Frankin4/17/472/26/6618
LawrenceJohn Winslow Lawrence Jr. MajorVietnamArmyFarmington1/22/389/16/7133
Le HollierPaul Raymond Le Houllier Lance CplVietnamMarinesSomersworth9/26/474/5/6921
LeahyDaniel Michael Leahy 2nd LtVietnamArmyManchester10/23/454/18/6923
LeeJohn F Lee 1st LtVietnamArmyNewport1/29/417/6/6625
LeightonGregory A Leighton SP4VietnamArmyExeter12/4/439/6/6622
LetendreRichard Edward Letendre PFCVietnamArmyNashua10/30/4810/5/6819
LoomisWilliam Nicholas Loomis Lance CplVietnamMarinesSalem1/15/499/13/6718
LordenDennis Franklin Lorden SP4VietnamArmyNashua9/21/487/14/6920
LozeauNorman Gerard Lozeau PFCVietnamArmyManchester4/27/473/9/6719
MalenfantWilliam Arthur Malenfant SGTVietnamArmyNashua10/27/471/15/7123
MannRobert Bernard Mann PFC VietnamArmySalem7/2/447/11/6622
MarcotteAndre Edward Marcotte Lance CplVietnamMarinesRye12/6/487/1/6718
MargaritasSotorios Milton Margaritis CPLVietnamMarinesRaymond9/1/468/8/6720
MarshallDennis Hardie Marshall Lance CPLVietnamMarinesLisbon7/17/469/7/6721
MarshallLawrence Jay Marshall MajorVietnamAir ForceManchester1/28/2912/27/7243
MartelNormand Richard Martel PFCVietnamMarinesManchester4/26/455/3/6722
MartinSteven Wayne Martin CaptainVietnamMarinesWolfeboro11/2/4310/11/6824
McAllisterRojer James McAllister Jr. SGTVietnamArmyMilford9/6/405/9/6524
McGloneMichael Thomas McGlone SGTVietnamArmyDover2/13/509/11/6919
McGuireJohn Winchester Mcguire PFCVietnamArmyDerry11/4/432/3/6824
McKeonJames Patrick McKeon MajorVietnamAir ForceNashua2/13/332/13/6936
MichaelThomas Michael SGTVietnamArmyDover2/13/493/28/6920
MillerWilliam Michael Miller WOVietnamArmyKeene7/22/479/15/6821
MilotLarry Joseph Milot Lance CplVietnamMarinesManchester9/25/474/2/6820
MorriseyThomas Joseph Morrisey Jr CorporalVietnamMarinesDover8/22/486/5/6819
MorrisonPeter Whitcomb Morrison 1st LtVietnamAir ForceLaconia12/29/426/9/6724
MourtgisArthur C Mourtgis Jr PFCVietnamArmyManchester1/7/485/15/6719
Mroczynski Raymond C Mroczynski SFCVietnamArmyManchester8/11/402/26/6928
MullerveyQuinten Emile Mulleavey SP4 MIAVietnamArmyNorth Woodstock12/16/484/3/6819
MurzinWalter Aleck Murzin Lance CplVietnamMarinesConcord5/17/4610/2/6620
MuzzeyCharles Edmond Muzzey PFCVietnamMarinesEnfield7/23/471/9/6820
NadeauPaul Ernest Nadeau PFCVietnamArmyManchester4/19/329/4/6634
NadeauThomas Dennis Nadeau SP4VietnamArmyNashua12/27/488/11/6819
NuteLeonard King Nute SP4VietnamArmyHudson12/12/465/25/6720
OlsonRonald Leon Olson SP4VietnamArmyConcord3/20/4911/24/6920
O'NeilWilliam Wayne O'Neil SP4VietnamArmyChesterfield10/11/491/21/7020
O'NeillThomas Philip O'Neill SSGTVietnamMarinesDover4/16/423/14/7027
PageAlbert Linwood Page Jr. Major MIAVietnamAir ForceDerry6/28/355/28/7438
ParadisRaymond Louis Paradis PFCVietnamArmyNashua6/24/485/9/7021
PaulErnest George Paul PFCVietnamMarinesConcord6/10/435/29/6622
PearsonWilliam Roy Pearson SGTVietnamAir ForceWarner4/18/514/6/7220
PelletierRichard William Pelletier SSGVietnamArmyGreenville12/16/493/24/6919
PerreaultDavid B Perreault SP5VietnamArmyFranklin6/18/4610/3/6822
PhilbrickSteven Jay Philbrick PVTVietnamMarinesHampton10/4/496/6/6919
PillsburyJerry Dean Pillsbury PFCVietnamMarinesGrantham1/17/479/25/6619
PlourdeRobert James Plourde CPLVietnamArmyLaconia2/2/493/28/6819
PorterKarl Dennis Porter SP4VietnamArmyLoudon 6/16/511/29/7220
PorterRichard Charles Porter Lance CplVietnamMarinesHanover9/28/491/24/7121
PrattPhilip Avery Pratt SP4VietnamArmyFremont4/20/485/31/6921
ProvencherWayne Thomas Provencher PFCVietnamArmyConcord6/19/495/10/6818
RaymondLawrence Robert Raymond Lance CPLVietnamMarinesManchester9/23/483/24/6819
RaymondRichard Paul RaymondVietnamArmyManchester12/5/418/26/6927
RaynoJoseph Andrew Rayno SSGVietnamArmyFranklin1/31/4012/29/6626
RibichMichael P Ribich SP4VietnamArmyGreat Falls11/8/4710/6/7931
RiordanGeorge William Riordan PO3VietnamMarinesDover6/23/483/14/6819
RivardRichard Norman Rivard SP4VietnamArmyMerrimack6/10/464/15/6821
RoachRonald D Roach SGTVietnamArmyConcord9/25/472/12/6820
RobergeEdmund Edward Roberge SFCVietnamArmyManchester7/3/323/16/7138
RobichaudRoger Edward Robichaud SGTVietnamArmyManchester7/1/458/26/6924
RobillardWilfred Roland Robillard PFCVietnamArmyManchester2/26/4710/10/6518
RobinsonJoseph Robert Robinson SSGTVietnamMarinesDover5/12/383/28/6728
RoentschRobert Quentin Roentsch SP4VietnamArmyWalpole2/14/462/19/6620
RunnellsEverett Porter Runnells SP4VietnamArmyConcord11/4/468/27/6619
RussAlfred Bayard Russ 1st LtVietnamMarinesHancock11/3/431/13/6824
SaltmarshThomas John Saltmarsh PFCVietnamArmyConcord2/19/493/14/6819
SandfordBradley Elliott Sandford 1st SGTVietnamArmyPortsmouth9/19/2312/27/7047
SantySteven Craig Santy Lance CPLVietnamMarinesBelmont12/13/497/14/6818
SanvilleErnest Eugene Sanville PO3VietnamNavyNorth Hinsdale11/14/438/31/6824
SaundersMichael Jorn Saunders PFCVietnamArmyPenacook1/13/4712/10/6720
SawyerJames Everett Sawyer Jr CPLVietnamArmyLaconia11/18/476/14/6921
SawyerRobert William Sawyer SGTVietnamArmyManchester4/4/498/23/6819
SchunemannJames Edward Schunemann CWOVietnamArmyManchester1/9/483/20/7022
ScibiliaRobert Peter Scibilia SP4VietnamArmyNashua5/9/485/23/6921
SenechekJohn Senechek SMAJVietnamArmyManchester3/18/199/16/7152
SeyboldGerald Calvin Seybold CWO2VietnamMarinesConcord6/3/344/28/7136
SharekFrank Joseph Sharek Jr Lance CPLVietnamMarinesManchester4/28/477/23/6821
ShawRobert Ernest Shaw PFCVietnamMarinesNorth Hampton10/10/473/31/6921
SmithGary Roy Smith SP4VietnamArmyLaconia2/22/494/27/6920
SmithMurray Lawrence Smith MajorVietnamAir ForceHampton Beach5/23/3312/21/6734
SoutherDouglas Stewart Souther Jr. SP4VietnamArmySeabrook1/30/494/7/6920
StanleyRaymond Ernest Stanley CPLVietnamMarinesManchester2/17/474/30/6821
SteerJohn Clifton Steer SGTVietnamArmyKingston3/22/4710/31/6720
StevensHarold Kenneth Stevens Jr Lance CPLVietnamMarinesKeene3/26/436/8/6522
StickneyPhillip Joseph Stickney SMSGT MIA Body Returned to USVietnamAir ForceManchester12/23/376/25/7436
StoverDouglas Earl Stover WOVietnamArmyConcord1/1/473/26/6922
SucciMichael Lawrence Succi CPLVietnamMarinesPortsmouth8/7/473/14/6820
SullivanAllan Francis Sullivan CPOVietnamNavyLoudon 6/10/292/23/6838
SullivanTerrence Colin Sullivan PFCVietnamArmyBerlin4/8/475/20/6720
SullivanRobert Joseph Sullivan MSG MIAVietnamArmyEast Alstead11/19/367/12/6730
SweeneyMichael Bernard Sweeney 2nd LtVietnamArmyKeene11/4/4612/24/6721
SweetEugene Frederick Sweet JrVietnamArmyPortsmouth7/7/491/4/6818
SylvestreArmand Alvin Sylvestre CaptainVietnamArmyNashua5/11/367/15/6832
TaggartWinston Adams Taggart SP4VietnamArmyManchester6/13/4712/19/6720
TessierLucien Charles Tessier CaptainVietnamMarinesManchester12/23/439/19/6824
TheriaultSamuel Silver Theriault MSGVietnamArmyRochester1/6/3411/27/6733
TitcombRobert Paul Titcomb CPLVietnamArmyFarmington9/28/489/9/6920
TowleGary Chester Towle CPLVietnamArmyConcord7/29/425/24/6926
TownsendJohn A Townsend Jr SSGVietnamArmyManchester8/10/3012/4/6838
TrudeauRaymond L Trudeau CPTVietnamArmyDurham10/2/397/24/6626
VezeauThomas Joseph Vezeau CPLVietnamMarinesDerry6/22/512/25/7018
VielAlfred Viel PFCVietnamArmyDover10/27/4712/22/6821
VillardJoseph George Villiard CPLVietnamArmyManchester3/7/353/24/6631
VitistasDennis Nick VatistasVietnamArmyDover7/12/4912/22/7021
WainioAlexander George Wainio PFCVietnamMarinesTroy10/19/485/26/6718
WalkerJohn Raymond Walker SP6VietnamArmyRochester11/29/453/20/7226
WellerDavid Howard Weller PFCVietnamMarinesNashua6/15/476/2/6719
WhippleGary Norman Whipple PFCVietnamArmyClaremont11/12/4812/4/6820
WhiteRobert Frederick White CPLVietnamMarinesNewmarket12/9/398/18/6727
WhittakerTerry James Whittaker PFCVietnamMarinesNewport3/17/474/9/6720
WhitticomJonathan Charles Whitticom Lance CPLVietnamMarinesLaconia7/13/476/27/6719
WilkowskyWilliam Wilkowsky Jr PFCVietnamArmyNashua10/1/454/30/6620
WillardThomas Alan Willard SGTVietnamArmyFarmington12/27/486/18/6920
WilleyAlden Bertram Willey SFCVietnamArmyCampton11/11/333/27/6632

#2 -NH Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial

#3 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Mural - NH Ladies Auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars - Jacqueline Nevin

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Chapel Mural Sponsors

#5 - Major General Lloyd M Price Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery Major General LLoyd M Price Memorial

#6 - Red Nights Firefighters Motorcycle Club Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Red Knights Firefighters Motorcycle Club Memorial

Blue Knights Motorcycle Law Enforcement Club Memorial - September 11, 2021

Blue Knights Motorcycle Club Memorial - NH State Veterans Cemetery
Blue Knights Motorcycle Club Memorial - NH State Veterans Cemetery
Blue Knights Motorcycle Club Memorial - NH State Veterans Cemetery

#7 - Section 4 Gazebo Donation - The James Steenbeke Family

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - #7 Section 4 Gazebo Donation - James Steenbeke

#8 -NH Veterans Cemetery Chapel Stained Glass Donation

NH State Veterans Cemetery Chapel Stained Glass Gift

#9 - American Legion Post 7 - Rochester NH

NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion Post 7 - Rochester NH

#10 -Martin Lawrence Gillespie Jr (Navy) Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery Martin Lawrence Gillespie Jr Memorial

#11 -Marine Raiders Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery Marine Raiders Memorial

#12 -United States Marine Corps Memorial  Dedicated November 10, 2005

NH State Veterans Cemetery Dedicated Nov 10 2005
NH State Veterans Cemetery Dedicated Nov 10 2005
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Marine Corps Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Marine Corps Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Marine Corps Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Marine Corps Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Marine Corps Memorial

#13 -USMarines - Soldiers of the Sea Memorial

#14 - Edgar Morse Potter (USNR)Memorial - Gator Utility Vehicle Donation

NH State Veterans Cemetery Edgar Morse Potter Memorial

#15 - Rene Arthur Gagnon - Memorial Bench

New Hampshure State Veterans Cemetery - Rene Arthur Gagnon Memorial Bench

#17 -United States Coast Guard Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery US Coast Guard Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Coast Guard Memorial Dedication Aug 6 2011
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Coast Guard Memorial Bagpiper 2012 Kirk Brunson
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Coast Guard Memorial - Robert M Marsh

Robert M. Marsh (Dad) - Coast Guard Memorial Paver

NH State Veterans Cemetery - US Coast Guard Memorial - Robert Marsh
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Coast Guard Memorial - Robert M Marsh & Normand T Lavallee

Former NHSVC Director - Lloyd Farnham (US Coast Guard 1966 - 1969) Flag Pole Sponsor

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - US Coast GuardDirector Lloyd Farnham Flag Pole Donation
David Currier Flagpole Marker - Coast Guard Memorial at New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery

#18 -New Hampshire US Air Force Memorial - Dedicated November 11, 2008

NH State Veterans Cemetery US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - US Air Force Memorial General Gretchen Dunkelberger
NH State Veterans Cemetery - US Air Force Memorial - Michael Horne Director
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Air Force Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery US Air Force Memorial

#19 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Director - Michael W Horne

NH State Veterans Cemetery Monument #19 Michael W Horne Director

#20 - NAM Knights of America - White Mountain Chapter

NH State Veterans Cemetery NAM Knights of America White Mountains Bench
NH State Veterans Cemetery NAM Knights of America White Mountains Bench

#21 - Order of the Eastern Star - Priscilla Chapter 51 Memorial - Avenue of Flags Donation

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Avenue of Flags Donation - Order of the Eastern Star

#22 - Veterans of Foreign Wars - Post 7015 Goffstown

NH Stste Veterans Cemetery - VFW Post 7015 Goffstown

#24 - Avenue of Flags Donations

NH Stste Veterans Cemetery - Avenue of Flags Sponsors

#25 - American Legion Post 31 - Penacook NH

NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion Post 31 - Penacook NH

#26 - Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Memorial

NH Stste Veterans Cemetery - Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge

#27 - USS Frank E Evans (DD-754) Destroyer Memorial - Dedicated September 23, 2007

NH Stste Veterans Cemetery - USS Frank E Evans DD-754 Memorial
USS Frank E Evans Destroyer Memorial - NH State Veterans Cemetery

#28 - Navy Seabee Veterans of America Memorial

NH Stste Veterans Cemetery - Navy Seabee Veterans of America Memorial

#29 - Navy Seabee Veterans of America Bench

NH Stste Veterans Cemetery - Navy Seabee Veterans of America Bench

#30 - US Navy Memorial - Dedicated September 23, 2007

NH State Veterans Cemetery - US NAVY Memorial Sept 23 2007
NH State Veterans Cemetery - US NAVY Memorial Sept 23 2007
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Us Navy Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - US NAVY Memorial - John McCain Paver
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Us Navy Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Us Navy Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Us Navy Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Us Navy Memorial
US Navy Memorial at the NH State Veterans Cemetery

#31 -USS Samuel B Roberts DE-413 Crew Memorial - Dedicated September 23, 2007

NH State Veterans Cemetery - USS Samuel B Roberts (DE-413) Crew Memorial

#32 - United States Merchant Marine Memorial - Dedicated May 30, 2009

Merchant Marine Memorial at the NH State Veterans Cemetery
Merchant Marine Memorial at the NH State Veterans Cemetery
NH State Veterans Cemetery - United States Merchant Marine Memorial

#33 -Annie Frasier Norton USN WWI Memorial Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Annie Frasier Norton Memorial Bench

#34 - American Legion Post 21, Concord NH Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion Post 21 Concord NH Monument

#36 - NH Knights of Columbus 12147 Bishop Leo O'Neil Council Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Knights of Columbus Bishop Leo o'neil Council 12147 Franklin NH

#37 - Father Timon Council 2170  Knights of Columbus Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Knights of Columbus Father Timon Council 2170 Franklin NH

#38 - Knights of Columbus Council 4442 - Salem NH

Nh State Veterans Cemetery - Knights of Columbus Council 4442 - Salem NH

#39 - NH Knights of Columbus No. 0638 - Father A.J. Timon Assembly -Franklin NH

NH State Veterans Cemetery - NH Knights of Columbus No 628 Franklin NH

#40 - NH Benevolent And Protective Order of Elks Veterans Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - NH Elks Veterans Memorial

#42 - Wooden Bench - Verne M Greeley - Vietnam Casualty - Londonderry NH

Wooden Bench - Verne M Greeley Vietnam War Casualty - Londonderry NH
Wooden Bench - Verne M Greeley Vietnam War Casualty - Londonderry NH
Wooden Bench - Verne M Greeley Vietnam War Casualty - Londonderry NH

#44 - Veterans of Foreign Wars - Post #8268

Bennington NH

NH State Veterans Cemetery - VFW Post 8268 Bennington NH

#45 - Petty Officer Joseph W Parker Sr. USN - Sections 5 & 6 Expansion Donation

NH State Veterans Cemetery - #45 - Petty Officer Joseph W Parker Sr. USN - Sections 5 & 6 Expansion Donation

#46 - American Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial

(World War II & Korea) Dedicated September 21, 2007

NH State Veterans Cemetery - EX-POW Memorial Article
NH State Veterans Cemetery POW Memorial Sept 21 2007
NH State Veterans Cemetery POW Memorial Sept 21 2007
NH State Veterans Cemetery POW Memorial Sept 21 2007
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Ex-Prisoner of War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Ex-Prisoner of War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Ex-Prisoner of War Memorial WWII
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Ex-Prisoner of War Memorial Korean War
New State Veterans Cemetery - American Ex-POW Memorial Plate
Full NameTownCountyBranchCountry of CasualtyConflictBirth DateDied on
Wesley AshConcordMerrimackArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II7/18/192112/8/1942
Waldo BalukeviciusHudsonHillsboroughArmy Air CorpsOsaka JapanWorld War II12/2/191611/27/1942
Stanley L BodnarHinsdaleCheshireArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II19157/26/1942
Herbert C BrockenshireRichmondCheshireUS NAVYPhilippinesWorld War II7/15/189610/24/1944
Charles J BrowneFremontRockinghamArmy PhilippinesWorld War II12/16/19151/9/1945
Robert P ChaseDoverStraffordNavySachsen, GermanyWorld War II3/18/19142/3/1945
Manuel P CooleyRochesterStraffordArmyPhilippinesWorld War II7/12/19175/27/1942
James L CorcoranExeterHillsboroughArmyNorth AfricaWorld War II5/20/19183/17/1944
Irving A CorlissPortsmouthStraffordArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II2/26/19205/5/1945
Robert W CrandallNorthwoodRockinghamArmyItalyWorld War II11/11/19154/25/1945
John A CussAltonBelknapArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II1/26/19226/18/1942
Francis M DouglassCharlestownSullivanNavyTaiwanWorld War II5/8/19081/10/1945
Houston E EdwardsPortsmouthRockinghamNavyJapanWorld War II10/8/19017/10/1944
Robert C FalardeauBerlinCoosArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II7/23/192112/12/1942
Burt C Gay New LondonMerrimackArmyJapanWorld War II4/17/19192/16/1945
Joseph F GervaisManchesterHillsboroughArmyPhilippinesWorld War II12/10/19175/7/1942
James W. GilbertWilmotMerrimackArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II3/9/19186/2/1942
George W HallManchesterHillsboroughArmyPhilippinesWorld War II7/31/188812/1/1942
Dudley A HensonDoverStraffordNavyJapanWorld War II6/8/190112/14/1944
Ray K Hodgkins Jr.ClaremontSullivanNavyShanghai ChinaWorld War II4/2/189512/8/1941
Russell F. KennesonRumneyGraftonArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II1/10/19195/7/1942
Harry R LeightonRochesterStraffordUS ArmyTaiwanWorld War II5/8/18981/9/1945
Albert L LamelinManchesterHillsboroughArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II11/18/191410/29/1942
Elliot R LundHollisHillsboroughArmyGermanyWorld War II10/9/20244/23/1945
William H MarstonConcordHillsboroughNavyPhilippinesWorld War II1/6/189612/10/1942
Roland J MaynardNashuaHillsboroughArmyGermanyWorld War II6/5/192412/28/1944
Patrick T. McLaughlinPererboroughHillsboroughArmyPhilippinesWorld War II3/23/192110/24/1944
Jonas E NourseLittletonGraftonArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II1/17/19207/27/1942
Henry H PackardPlymouthGraftonArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II6/12/19089/17/1942
Adolph S PapienukLaconiaBelknapArmy Air CorpsOsaka JapanWorld War II1919 Poland12/26/1942
Garl Pease Jr.PlymouthGraftonArmy Air CorpsPapua New GuineaWorld War II4/10/191710/8/1942
James J PicardDerryRockinghamArmyPrussia, GermanyWorld War II2/22/189212/22/1944
Charles R. PierceOrfordGraftonArmyPhilippinesWorld War II10/18/19165/7/1942
Austin J PineauBerlinCoosArmy ItalyWorld War II12/27/19076/17/1944
Paul H PrescottAntrimHillsboroughArmyGermanyWorld War II5/10/19196/4/1943
Louis J RivetClaremontSullivanArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II6/6/188512/15/1944
Hall RobertsRollinsfordStraffordArmyPrussia, GermanyWorld War II5/9/188812/17/1944
Douglass B RushMerrimackMerrimackArmyPhilippinesWorld War II8/22/19206/15/1942
John F. RyderKeeneCheshireNavyPapua New GuineaWorld War II8/20/19221/11/1946
J. Norman St. LaurentEppingRockinghamArmy Air CorpsManchuria ChinaWorld War II12/31/191812/28/1942
Frederick A StearnsKeeneCheshireArmy Air CorpsJapanWorld War II7/24/19257/27/1945
Joseph A SullivanSomersworthStraffordArmyPhilippinesWorld War II8/22/189511/11/1942
Peter M YoungConcordHillsboroughArmy Air CorpsPhilippinesWorld War II5/30/19218/26/1942
Francis W AsheyLebanonGraftonUS ArmyKoreaKorean War8/10/193211/26/1950
Phillip A. BotsfordLyndenboroughHillsboroughUS ArmyKoreaKorean War9/16/19297/20/1950
Madison F. CharlesChathamCarrollUS ArmyKoreaKorean War1/6/19267/10/1950
George A Curley Jr.LaconiaBelknapUS ArmyKoreaKorean War5/9/193211/30/1950
Myron G. DickCallais MaineHillsboroughUS ArmyKoreaKorean War2/15/192611/30/1950
Gerald L. J DubayPortsmouthRockinghamUS ArmyKoreaKorean War10/11/19305/18/1951
Leland R. DunhamLittletonGraftonUS ArmyKoreaKorean War12/12/19117/20/1950
Frederick E. FlemingSullivanSullivanUS ArmyKoreaKorean War2/6/19298/15/1950
Robert S. FletcherManchesterHillsboroughUS ArmyKoreaKorean War12/4/19227/16/1950
Reginald E FrazierEasy SwanzeyCheshireUS ArmyKoreaKorean War8/23/193211/2/1950
Herbert A HesseltineLittletonGraftonUS ArmyKoreaKorean War8/7/193111/30/1950
Paul H JordonNashuaHillsboroughUS ArmyKoreaKorean War5/19/191311/2/1950
J. Norman PelletierBerlinCoosUS ArmyKoreaKorean War6/5/19302/13/1951
Elmer P RichardExeterRockinghamUS ArmyKoreaKorean War6/3/193012/2/1950
Wallace F RitterSalemHillsboroughUS ArmyKoreaKorean War6/26/193111/28/1950
J. Armand RobillardManchesterHillsboroughUS ArmyKoreaKorean War9/21/193211/30/1950
Alfred H SidneyLittletonStraffordUS ArmyKoreaKorean War12/9/19275/18/1951
Aurel TremblayNashuaHillsboroughUS ArmyKoreaKorean War1/29/19277/30/1950

#48 - Veterans of Foreign Wars - Post 1631 Concord NH

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1631 Concord NH

#49 - Knights of Columbus - Chapter 0627 Concord NH

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Knights of Columbus 0627 Concord NH

#51 - Catholic War Veterans of America -

Dedicated April 17, 2010

Nh State Veterans Cemetery Catholic War Veterans Memorial Dedication
Nh State Veterans Cemetery Catholic War Veterans Memorial Dedication
Nh State Veterans Cemetery Catholic War Veterans Memorial Dedication
Nh State Veterans Cemetery Catholic War Veterans Memorial Dedication
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Catholic War Veterans Memorial
NH Catholic War Veterans Post Commanders Dedication 2022
NH Catholic War Veterans Post Commanders Dedication 2022
NH Catholic War Veterans Post Commanders Dedication 2022
NH Catholic War Veterans Post Women Commanders Dedication 2022
NH Catholic War Veterans Post Women Commanders Dedication 2022

#52 - The Forty and Eight - American Legion Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion 40 and 8
NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion 40 and 8
NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion 40 and 8
Manchester NH American Legion 40 & 8 Railcar
Manchester NH American Legion 40 & 8 Railcar
NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion 40 and 8

#53 - American Legion Post 63 - Salem NH

NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion Post 63 - Salem NH

#54 - Sons of the American Legion - Dedicated June 9,2018

Sons of the American Legion Memorial Dedication - June 9 2018
Sons of the American Legion Memorial Dedication - June 9 2018
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Sons of the American Legion Memorial

#55 - AMVETS - American Veterans - Post 2 : Salem, NH - Dedicated May 27, 2018

NH State Veterans Cemetery - AMVETS Chapter 2 Salem NH Bench

Hydro Seeder and Power Lawn Vacuum Donation

American Legion - Henry J Sweeney Post 2

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Hydro Seeder Donation

#57 - Concord Lions Club Memorial Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Concord Lions Club Memorial Bench


#59 - NH Daughters of the American Revolution Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Daughters of the American Revolution Memorial

#60 - American Legion : Post 88, Loudon New Hampshire

Nh State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion Post 88 Loudon NH

#61 - Sheldon Family Military History

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Sheldon Family Military History


#63 - Global War on Terrorism Memorial -

Dedicated May 30, 2016

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terrorism Memorial Dedication
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terrorism Memorial Dedication
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
`Place of CombatBranch of ServiceTownBornDiedAge
Andrew A Aimesbury CPL RangerAfghanistanUS ArmyDover11/7/9412/9/1521
Nicholas A Arvantis CPLIraqUS ArmySalem10/5/8410/6/0622
Nicholas P Bernier SPCAfghanistanUS ArmyEast Kingston8/20/896/25/1121
Matthew L Bertolino PFCAfghanistanUS MarinesHampstead4/24/852/9/0620
Adam R Brooks Lance CPlIraqUS MarinesManchester6/17/8411/28/0420
Alan J Burgess SPCIraqUS ArmyLandaff5/30/8010/15/0424
Philip G E Charte CPLAfghanistanUS MarinesGoffstown8/8/889/7/1022
Nicholas R Cournoyer PFCIraqUS ArmyGilmanton9/10/805/18/0625
Eric D Currier PFCAfghanistanUS MarinesLondonderry3/13/882/17/1021
Marc P Decoteau SPCAfghanistanUS ArmyWaterville Valley9/2/901/29/1019
James W Dennehy MajorKuwaitUS ArmySalisbury8/11/648/24/1147
Douglas A Dicenzo CPTIraqUS ArmyPlymouth2/5/765/25/0630
Scott G Dimond CPLAfghanistanUS ArmyFranklin3/25/6910/13/0839
Russell M Durgin SGTAfghanistanUS ArmyHenniker7/2/826/13/0623
Richard L Ferguson Master SGTIraqUS ArmyConway9/9/583/30/0445
Brandon John Garabrant Lance CPLAfghanistanUS MarinesPeterborough11/11/946/20/1419
Michael E Geary Lance CPLAfghanistanUS MarinesDerry8/6/9012/8/1020
Timothy M Gibson CPLIraqUS MarinesMerrimack7/24/811/26/0523
Daniel R Gionet SGT MedicIraqUS ArmyPelham1/2/836/4/0623
Ryan P Goggin SGTIraqUS ArmyWolfeboro10/26/863/31/1730
Jonathan D Grassbaugh CaptIraqUS ArmyEast Hampstead8/18/814/7/0725
Nathan H Hardy CPOIraqUS NavyDurham12/28/782/4/0839
Daniel R Healy Sr CPO SEALAfghanistanUS NavyExeter7/17/686/28/0536
Shawn G Hogan CPT Green BeretIraqUS ArmySalem4/2/8410/17/1228
Jeremiah J Holmes SGTIraqUS ArmyNorth Berwick Maine4/27/763/29/0427
Adam M Kuligowski SPCAfghanistanUS ArmyDerry12/20/874/1/0921
Angelo L Lozada Jr SGTIraqUS ArmyNashua8/8/684/16/0536
Edmond L Lo SGTIraqUS ArmySalem1/26/866/13/0923
William Blake Marston SO1 SEALAfghanistanUS NavyConcord8/9/831/10/1531
Ryan T McCaughn Lance CPLIraqUS MarinesManchester8/14/8711/7/0619
Juctin R P McDaniel PFCIraqUS ArmyAndover2/22/8812/17/0719
Robert L Moscillo Lance CPLIraqUS MarinesSalem11/24/845/1/0621
Stephen L Murphy SSGIraqUS MarinesJaffrey4/27/7311/9/0936
Andrew C Nicol SGTAfghanistanUS ArmyKensington2/7/878/8/1023
Toby R Olsen CPLIraqUS ArmyManchester1/17/791/20/0425
Michael W Ouellette CPLAfghanistanUS MarinesManchester5/25/803/22/0928
Justin R Pellerin SPCAfghanistanUS ArmyBoscawen4/14/888/20/0921
David L Poirier Master SGT Air Nat'l GuardQatarUS ArmySalem4/7/612/28/1452
Jeremy F Regnier SPCIraqUS ArmyLittleton8/14/8210/13/0422
George R Roehl Jr. PFCIraqUS ArmyManchester1/24/854/11/0621
Justin A Rollins SPCIraqUS ArmyNewport11/10/843/5/0722
Robert E Rooney SFCKuwaitUS ArmyNashua7/8/609/25/0343
Randy S Rosenberg SSGIraqUS ArmyBerlin2/17/801/24/0423
Mathew L Schneider SPCIraqUS ArmyGorham1/2/838/28/0623
Peter J Sora Jt Lance CPLIraqUS MarinesLondonderry7/27/845/4/0419
Matthew J Stanley CPLIraqUS ArmyWolfeboro Falls12/26/8312/16/0622
David S Stelmat Jr. SGTIraqUS ArmyLitleton5/29/803/22/0827
Andrew D Stevens PFCIraqUS ArmyStratham6/12/823/11/1330
Zachary D Tellier SGTAfghanistanUS ArmyBedford5/29/769/29/0731
William J Tracy Jr. SGTKuwaitUS ArmyWebster2/26/752/25/0327
Jared N Van Aalst Master SGTAfghanistanUS ArmyLaconia9/1/758/4/1034
Kyle R Warren SSG Gren BeretAfghanistanUS ArmyManchester4/14/807/29/1030
David J Whitcher Sr. SSG Green BeretAfghanistanUS ArmyBradford7/4/8611/2/1630
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Global War on Terror Memorial - Michael Ouellette

Corporal Scott G. Dimond - Franklin NH - 3/25/1969 - 10/13/2008

Corporal Scott G Dimond - Franklin New Hampshire War on Terror Casualty

#64 -NH Rolling Thunder (Chapter One) Memorial

Rolling Thunder NH Memorial - NH State Veterans Cemetery

#65 - NH Rolling Thunder (Chapter One) Memorial Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Rolling Thunder NH Chapter One Memorial Bench

#66 - Allied Memorial Remembrance Ride Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Allied Memorial Remembrance Ride Bench

#67 -Native American Veterans Memorial (US and Canada)

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Native American Veterans Memorial
Peter Newell Paver Native American Monument - NH State Veterans Cemetery

#70 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Trees Donations

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Cemetery Trees Donations

#71 - Special Forces Memorial

Special Forces Chapter 72 Dedication NH State Veterans Cemetery 2002
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Special Forces Regiment Memorial
Special Forces Memorial Flagpole - New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery
Special Forces Chapter 72 Pavers Nh State Veterans Cemetery

#72 - Special Forces - Chapter 72 Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Special Forces Chapter 72 Memorial

#73 -United States Army Monument - Dedicated May 30, 2011

US Army Memorial Dedication Invitation NH State Veterans Cemetery
US ARMY Monument - NH State Veterans Cemetery May 30 2011
US ARMY Monument - NH State Veterans Cemetery May 30 2011
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - US Army Memorial
Name BirthplaceHome TownBornDiedPlace of DeathCause of DeathYears of ServiceRankConflictDivisionWhere ServedDuties AwardsVeterans Cemetery ContactRelationNH Veterans Cemetery Location
1Samuel P Burns Nashua, NHNashua, NH3/14/190812/23/1968Nashua, NHInjuries from Auto Accident9/17/1942-10/22/1945PFCWorld War II475th Infantry, Merrill's MaraudersTrinidad, China/Burma/IndiaMessenger, Infantry Nashua NH Historical Society  
2M. Janet MozrallHillsborough, NHDunbarton, NH5/16/19345/16/2019Dunbarton, NH  CaptainKorea, VietnamWomans Army CorpsKorea, VietnamMedical    
3Name Unknown                
4Eugene M GuyotteManchester, NHBerlin, NH7/17/10205/6/1045Rosenbein, GermanyAccidental GunshotOctober 1943 - May 1945Technician 4th GradeWorld War II742 L.M. Ordnance Company, 42nd Rainbow DivisionGermanyOrdnance    
5Name Unknown                
6Jarrod A HamlinSwanzey, NHSwanzea, NH N/AN/AN/AJanuary 2007 - SergeantGlobal War on Terror Iraq  Leslie BentleyMother 
7Kandy FredetteRochester, NHBoscawen, NH5/25/1959N/AN/AN/A1/03/1979- 7/21/2018Command Sergeant MajorOperation Iraq Freedom Operation New Dawn39th Army Band, 2nd Marine Division (Iraq), 197th FA Brigade (Kuwait)Iraq/Kuwait/NH/SCMusician Clarinet Player, Adminstration NCO, Supply NCOBronze Star Medal/Iraq Campaign Medal w/2 campaign stars/Meritoriouse Service Medal/Army Achievement Medal 2nd/Army Good Conduct Medal/Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal 9th/National Defense Service Medal 2nd/Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal/Global War on Terrorism Medal/Non Commissioned Officer rofessional Development Ribbon 4th/Army Service Ribbon/Overseas Service Ribbon 2nd/Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon/ Armed Forces Reserve Meda W/M Device/ Armed Forces Reserve Medal with 30 Yr Device Gold/ Compat Action BadgeRichard FredetteHusband 
8Matthew J. StanleyDanvers, MaWolfeboro Falls, NH12/26/198312/16/2006Taji, IraqIED ExplosionDec 2003 - Dec 16 2006 CorporalGlobal War on Terror / Iraq 1st Squadron, 7th Calvary Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Calvary Division, Ft Hood Tx Taji, Iraq Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, 2 Army Commendation Medals, Army Good Conduct, Combat Action Badge, National Defense Service Mnedal, Iraq Campaign Medal, GWOT Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Expert Rifle Qualification BadgeLynn SavageMotherSec 4 Row K Site 638
9John Carr DavisHampton, NHHampton, NH6/30/18394/9/1926Hampton, NHPneumonia11/22/1861 - 1/17/1865PrivateCivil War8th Regiment, Company B Cook    
10Name Unknown                
11Alan F. DelMastro Jr.Willimantic, CtMerrimack, NH10/10/19741/27/2005Freport, MaineAutomobile Accident1994 - 2004Sergeant Global War on Terror / Iraq Army Reserve 94th Military Police CompanyFallujah, Iraq, Korea, KuwaitSecurity Escort Alan DelMastro Sr.FatherSECTION 1P ROW L SITE 1569
12Harley W. ProvenchiaWindsor, Vt 4/14/19187/5/1989Cheshire / Concord NH 10/27/1945 - 2/14/1947PrivateWorld War II, KoreaMedicalAleutian Islands / Alaska / KoreaMedical Richard G Merrill Sr.Nephew 
13John C. ProvenchiaOrleans, VtChesterfield, NH2/16/19177/5/1985Chesterfield, NH 3/13/1945 - 6/30/1946CorporalWorld War II Trinidad Maintain Motorcycles & Jeeps    
14Roland W. BernierManchester, NHManchester, NH2/28/19198/30/1943Kahili Airfield on southern Bougainville Aerial Attack Japanese Zero6/18/1942 - 8/30/1943CorporalWorld War II372nd Bomber Squadron, 307th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air ForcesGuadalcanalRadio Operator, Door Gunner    
15Dr. Horace BloodConcord, NHConcord, NH 1/5/19235/11/2021Concord, NHUnknown1952 - CaptainKorean War U.S. Army Medical Corps Osaka, JapanOtolaryngologist 382nd General Hospital in Kanaoka, Osaka, Japan.  Son of Governor Dr. Robert O. Blood 
16Peter M. VangjelLaconia, NHLaconia, NH7/31/1955N/AN/AN/A - 2/01/2015Lieutenant GeneralGlobal War on Terror, Iraqi Freedom27th Field Artillery, V Corps - Germany, XVIII Airborne Corps ArtilleryTurkey, Iraq, Kuwait, AfghanistanInspector GeneralDistinguished Service Medal (3X), Legion of Merit (4X), Bronze Star Medal (3X), Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge, Army Staff Identification Badge, US Army Recruiting Badge.Peter M. VangjelHimself 
17Melvin RowellSouth Berwick, MeNorthwood, NH6/22/18688/5/1965VA Hospital, Manchester, NHShort Illness1890 - 1919Lt. ColonelIndian Wars, Mexico (Pancho Villa), Spanish-American War, WWI15th CalvaryArizona, New Mexico, Montana / Spanish American War - Philippines, Cuba, Mexico, WWI - FranceInfantryPurple Heart Gary TaskerGrandson 
18Name Unknown                
19Kenneth J. O'Connell Jr.Barnstead, NH 3/23/198311/18/2019            
20Name Unknown                
21Michael A AvardConcord, NHPenacook, NH7/28/1988N/AN/AN/A3/20/2006 - PresentStaff SergeantGlobal War on Terror, Operation Spartan Shield, Operation Allies Refuge 2021C/3 -172 MountainAfghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, training/ readiness NCO/ Weapons Squad Leader / New Hampshire State U.S. Army Honor Guard 2009 - 2018Meritorious Service Medal(MSM), Army Commendation Medal (2)ARCOM, Army achievement medal (9) AAMMichael AvardHimself 
22Thomas F. ConleyFremont, NHFremont, NH11/17/19128/2/1972Fremont, NHSudden1/4/1941 - 10/31/1945 World War II197th Coast ArtilleryCamp Hullen, Texas & Germany  Kathleen Bussiere AppletonGrand-Daughter (Step) 
23Raymond J. MartelDover, NHDover, NH6/1/192411/9/2007Rochester NH 3/31/1943-1/29/1946TEC 5World War IIDetached Medical New GuineaMedical Audrey YatesDaughterSECTION H13L ROW C SITE 2
24Joseph O. HerbertLittleton, NHBethlehem, NH4/26/19274/22/2009Bethlehem, NH 11/16/1945 - 4/14/1947Technician Fifth GradeWorld War II503rd Transportation Corps Car CompanyFrance & GermanyInfantry Edith M Hebert Wife 
25Allen BuskeyWarren, NHWarren, NH12/22/19274/12/2007Elizabethtown, Ky 11/20/1945 - 8/7/1970SergeantKorea & VietnamMedical CorpsKorea & VietnamMedic Donald K BuskeyBrother 
26George ManleyTewksbury, MaFranklin, NH12/14/192112/xx/1995Dorchester, NH 10/1/1942 - E-4World War II  Heavy Equipment Operator Gail DearbornDaughter 
27Robert Goodsell Bow, NH N/AN/AN/A1968 - 1968SP5Vietnam War57th Signal Corps Communucations Security Logics UnitVietnamRepaired and Distributed Cecure Communications Equipment Faye Johnson - Bow Nh Heritage Commission - 603 228-8149Friend 
28David A. HorneMilton, NHSomersworth, NH4/20/19313/22/1955Nanakuli, Honolulu County, Hawaii, USAPlane Crash1953 - 1955CorporalKorea Korea  Mike Horne1st Cousin 
29Michael DurantBerlin, NHMadison Alabama7/23/1961N/AN/AN/AAugust 1979 - 2001Chief Warrant Officer 2Dessert Storm, Restore Hope / Somalia160th Special Operations GroupSomaliaBlackhawk Pilot (Blackhawk Down)Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star with Valor Device, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal, three Air Medals and the Prisoner of War MedalNone  
30Robert DastinManchester, NHManchester, NH7/19/1934N/AN/AN/A7/13/1953 - X/X/1994Brigadier GeneralVietnam, Global War on Terror157th Air Refueling Wing, NH Air National GuardNew HampshireAssistant Adjutant General Robert DastinHimself 
31Lawrence J. DuPont Jr.Laconia, NHBelmont, NH8/18/19322/19/2020Belmont, NH 9/20/1949 - 12/30/1952CorporalKorea82nd Airborne, Fort Bragg N Carolina / 3rd Battalion 504th Air CommandFt. Bragg, N. CarolinaJump InstructorParachute - Glider Badge, Good Conduct MedalJudy EstesDaughter 
32Eugene RitzoNewburyport, MaExeter, NH12/9/191911/24/2013Venice, Fl 9/16/1940 - 1966Lt. ColonelWorld War II, Korea (Chosen Res Battle)7th Infantry Reg, 3rd Infantry DivKoreaInfantryPurple Heart, 2 Bronze Stars  Section 1G, Row B Site 16
33Donald J. LaBrieManchester, NHManchester NH3/29/193411/18/2014Manchester, NHUnknown SergeantKorea KoreaCombat Soldier Rita LabrieWife 
34Richard R. HalleConcord, NHBow, NH10/26/1934N/AN/AN/A4/3/1952 - CaptainKorea       
35Name Unknown                
36Daniel R. GionetLowell, MaPelham, NH1/2/19836/4/2006Baghdad, IraqIED ExplosionFebruary 8, 2002 - June 4, 2006SergeantGWOT, Iraqi Freedom1st Battalion, 66th Armored Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry DivisionAfghanistan, IraqMedicBronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terroriosm Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Combat Medal Badge, Expert Weapons Qualification Badge.Denise GionetMotherGibson Cemetery in Pelham
37Stephanie J. SaturnoGoshen, NYDover, NH10/24/1979N/AN/AN/A5/18/2001 - 7/1/2009CaptainGlobal War on Terror, IraqAlpha Company 125th, Forward Support Battalion, , 3rd Brigade Cobat Team in the 1st Armored Division, NH Army Guard - 3643rd Classification & Collection CompanyFt. Riley, Kansas, Operation Katrina, New Orleans, Base Marez in IraqQuartermaster Officer, Platoon Leader, Executive Officer & Company Commander, Aide De Camp at Gov Lynch Inauguration, Base Property Management in IraqArmy Commendation Medal,Army Achievment Medal, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Humanatarian Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Robbon, Armed Forves Reserve Medal with "M" Device, NH National Guard Active Service Ribbon, NH National Guard Service Bar, Louisiana Emergency Service MedalStephanie J SaturnoHerselfN/A
38Daniel A ClowPortsmouth, NHPortsmouth, NH3/28/1941N/AN/AN/A1/6/1959 - March 1968Specialist Four - E-4VietnamCompany C, 1st Battalion, 7th CalvaryGermany, VietnamInfantry, Training, Weopens TestingBronze Star Medal with "V" (Valor) DeviceDaniel ClowHimself 
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - United States Army Memorial
US Army Monument NH State Veterans Cemetery

US Army Air Corps Memorial

US Army Air Corps Memorial - New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery

#74 - International Organization of Odd Fellows Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - International Organization of Odd Fellows Bench

#75 -Disabled American Veterans Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Disabled American Veterans Memorial

#76 - New Hampshire Veterans Association & Auxiliary Memorial Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery NH Veterans Association & Auxiliary Bench

#77 - Gold Star Families Memorial -

Dedicated October 6, 2018

NH Gold Star Families Memorial - NH State Veterans Cemetery
NH Gold Star Families Memorial - NH State Veterans Cemetery
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery Gold Star Family Memorial - Donna Ouellette
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial - C Phillips Desmarais
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial - SPC Matthew Woods Lyman NH
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial - PFC Eric Currier
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial - SPC Jeremy Regnier Littleton NH
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Gold Star Families Memorial - Helie Christopher

#78 - New Hampshire State Grange Memorial

NH State Veterans Cemetery - New Hampshire State Grange Memorial

#79 - NHSVC Granite Bench Sponsors

NH State Veterans Cemetery Granite Bench Sponsor Memorial

#81 - Blue Star Memorial - NH Federation of Garden Clubs

Blue Star Memorial Dedication - NH State Veterans Cemetery
Blue Star Memorial Dedication - NH State Veterans Cemetery
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Blue Star Memorial

#82 - NH Combat Vets (Chapter V) Association Memorial - Dedicated August 16, 2008

#83 - Combat Veterans Motorcycle ClubMemorial Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Combat Vets Motorcycle Club Bench

#84 - The Reflection Fountain - Blue Star Mothers of NH / Gold Star Mothers of NH / POW/MIA Families of NH

Dedicated - May 30th, 2009

NH State Veterans Cemetery Family Reflection Fountain
NH State Veterans Cemetery Family Reflection Fountain
NH State Veterans Cemetery Final Role Call Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery Lone Green Beret Soldier Memorial

#86 -The Military Order of the World Wars Memorial - Dedicated May 31, 2005

NH Stste Veterans Cemetery - Military Order of World Wars Memorial
Military Order of World Wars Memorial - New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery

#87 -Gerard Montembeault (US Navy) WWII Memorial

NH State Veterans Memorial - Gerard Montembeault (US Navy) WWII Memorial

#88 - American Legion China Post One

NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion China Post One Bench

#89 - NHSVC Historic Walkway Donations

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Historic Walkway Donations

#90 New Hampshire Korean War Memorial -

Dedicated May 30, 2007

Korean War Memorial Dedication NH State Veterans Cemetery
Korean War Memorial Dedication NH State Veterans Cemetery
NameConflictBranch of ServiceTownBirthdayBornDiedAge
Philip Warren Ackley PVTKoreaArmyNashua4-Mar3/4/1511/2/5035
John Stewart Albert PFCKoreaMarinesGonic3-Jul7/3/278/8/5023
Floyd N Alexander SGTKoreaArmyKeene5-May5/5/296/3/5122
Francis Adams Ashley PVTKoreaArmyLebanon10-Aug8/10/3211/26/5018
John Low Babson Jr. 2nd LtKoreaMarinesContocook3-Mar3/3/2910/26/5239
Phillip Kendall Balch ANKoreaNavyClaremont21-Jun6/21/298/26/5122
Gerard E. Beaupre PFCKoreaArmyFranklin10-Apr4/10/307/20/5020
Lyman W. Bigelow III SGTKoreaArmyWarner21-Jul7/21/3110/31/5221
Richard Elwin Bigelow PFCKoreaArmyPortsmouth15-Oct10/15/322/14/5118
Abner Sawyer Black CplKoreaMarinesPeterborough28-Dec12/28/313/29/5321
Charles C. Blanchette Jr. PVTKoreaArmyPeterborough22-Dec12/22/3311/9/5117
Philip Albert Botsford PFCKoreaArmyLyndenborough16-Sep9/16/297/20/5020
Arthur John Bower Jr. CPLKoreaMarinesLaconia1-Jan1/1/299/24/5021
John Charles BrennanKoreaAir ForceGroveton25-Feb2/25/3311/14/5219
Leroy L. Brown CPLKoreaArmyNorth Conway13-Aug8/13/075/1/5143
Kenneth M BrownKoreaAir ForceConcord12/17/193112/17/312/20/5321
Arthur Delbert Buckley Jr. CPLKoreaArmyKeene26-Jul7/26/3012/9/5020
Elmer Trombly Bullock 1st LtKoreaAir ForcePortsmouth19-Nov11/19/224/12/5128
Lester Thomas Chase CaprainKoreaMarinesExeter27-Sep9/27/1611/29/5034
Oswald E. Carbonneau PFCKoreaArmyLittleton8-Jul7/8/319/2/5120
Walter Francis Carey PFCKoreaMarinesManchester1-Sep9/1/299/2/5122
William Arthur Cartier 1st LtKoreaArmyManchester6-Jul7/6/2210/10/5129
William P Maher ChaplainKoreaAir ForceManchester19-Oct10/19/153/18/5337
Madison Freeman Charles CplKoreaArmyFreyburg/Chatham6-Jan1/6/267/10/5024
Thomas J. Chatigny PFCKoreaArmyExeter23-May5/23/329/16/5018
Guy O. Chesley PFCKoreaArmyLyme Center25-Jan1/25/322/14/5119
Roland E. Christian PFCKoreaArmyJaffrey18-Jul7/18/281/16/5122
Albert Charles Colby PFCKoreaArmyClaremont6-Dec12/6/279/3/5123
Robert Connelly SSGTKoreaUS Air ForceManchester13-Jan1/13/254/16/5429
Roger Bertrand Cote PFCKoreaArmyManchester4-Aug8/4/309/1/5020
Claude Irving Crawford PVTKoreaArmyStewartstown2-Sep9/2/319/12/5221
George Armand Curley Jr. PVT MIAKoreaArmyLaconia9-May5/9/3211/30/5018
James H. Dame PVTKoreaArmyDover3-Jun6/3/312/6/5119
Francis R. Decapot PFCKoreaArmyNashua16-Dec12/16/2911/10/5020
Joseph Adelard Marcel Demers PFCKoreaMarinesAuburn29-Apr4/29/2912/2/5021
Armand R. Deschenes PVTKoreaArmyHollis9-Aug8/9/299/1/5021
Roger Louis Desclos PFCKoreaMarinesNashua20-Sep9/20/308/13/5221
Myron Gracian Dick SGTKoreaArmyCalais Maine / Hillsborough NH15-Feb2/15/192611/30/5026
Henry J. Dionne PFCKoreaArmyNashua22-Jan1/22/233/2/5128
Robert A. Doll PFCKoreaArmyPortsmouth6-Sep9/6/323/25/5118
Donald Austin Douglas PFCKoreaArmyWoodsville18-Aug8/18/2912/5/5223
George R. Dow CPLKoreaMarinesPortsmouth4-Jan1/4/317/20/5322
Gerard Leo Joseph Dubay PFCKoreaArmyPortsmouth22-Oct10/11/305/18/5120
Richard Edward Ducharme PFCKoreaArmyNashua22-Nov11/22/306/13/5322
Gilbert David Dumais PFCKoreaArmyNashua11-Jan1/11/328/19/5018
Leland Rockwood Dunham MajorKoreaArmyLittleton12-Dec12/12/117/20/5038
Arthur W. Dunton Jr. PFCKoreaArmyFitzwilliam24-Mar3/24/2810/3/5123
William Newell Eaton PFCKoreaArmySeabrook19-Jul7/19/328/16/5018
Edward F. Ewens CPLKoreaArmyCampton18-Feb2/18/294/10/5122
Lionel Robert Favreau SGTKoreaArmyManchester2-Jul7/2/3012/1/5020
Warren Arthur Fish PVTKoreaArmyJaffrey1-Sep9/1/317/18/5321
Henry C. Flanders SGTKoreaArmyBath12-Apr4/12/0412/12/5046
Frederick Eugene Fleming SGTKoreaArmySullivan6-Feb2/6/298/15/5021
Robert Sargent Fletcher PFCKoreaArmyManchester4-Dec12/4/227/16/5027
Kenneth Clyde FossKoreaArmyCenter Harbor23-Nov11/23/2910/19/5121
Gordon Ray Fox CPLKoreaArmyManchester16-Jun6/16/307/24/5323
Reginald E. Frazier PVTKoreaArmyEast Swanzey23-Aug8/23/3211/2/5018
Orville Joseph GaleKoreaArmyNorthfield21-Jun6/21/309/27/5020
Gerald Paul Gauthier PVTKoreaArmyFranklin27-Jan1/27/335/16/5320
David M. Gordon PVTKoreaArmyFitzwilliam4-Jul7/4/329/10/5119
Frederick M. Gray CPLKoreaArmyPortsmouth6-May5/6/329/7/5018
Eugene W. GrendellKoreaArmyConway24-Mar3/24/278/8/5225
Benjamon W. Griggs Jr. PVTKoreaArmyWest Lebanon7-Mar3/7/3111/30/5019
Rudy Henry Haferkamp PFCKoreaArmyLaconia7-Jan1/7/243/10/5127
Elmer Rix Hamlin PVTKoreaArmyMilan8-Oct10/8/278/27/5123
Robert Shurben Hedman PFC MIAKoreaArmyHampton8-Jun6/8/2911/28/5021
Richard C. Henson 1st LTKoreaArmyColebrook29-Mar3/29/2011/29/5030
Herbert Alsa Hesseltine Jr. CPLKoreaArmyLittleton7-Aug8/7/3111/30/5019
James Arlin Hildreth PO3KoreaNavyLaconia30-Nov11/30/2710/16/5325
George Norman Hill CPL MIAKoreaArmyBristol20-May5/20/2811/30/5022
Phillip Noyes Hobson Jr. CPLKoreaMarinesHampton5-Feb2/5/328/13/5220
Robert James Holbrook PFCKoreaMarinesNashua26-Oct10/26/3211/30/5018
Roy Kay HolleranKoreaArmyBerlin6-Sep9/6/101/8/5443
Winfield Scott House PVTKoreaArmyWolfeboro5-Apr4/5/309/6/5020
Clayton Maynard Huckins CPLKoreaArmyOrford17-Mar3/17/323/12/5320
Leo W. Jacques PVTKoreaArmyRochester11-Mar3/11/338/15/5017
Leon J. Jacques Jr. 1st LtKoreaArmyMilford2-May5/2/247/12/5026
Ananias Janvrin II CPLKoreaArmySeabrook3-Sep9/3/3111/28/5019
Paul Hebert Jordon CPTKoreaArmyNashua5/19/19135/19/191311/2/5037
Vasilio Karagiozis PFCKoreaArmyManchester22-Dec12/22/181/1/5132
John Murray Kelley PFC MIAKoreaArmyNorth Chichester1-Jul7/1/2711/30/5023
Raymond E. Kelley PFCKoreaArmyFremont8/16/19328/16/19323/24/5119
Warren Oscar Kendall PFC MIAKoreaArmyConcord26-Aug8/26/3012/1/5020
Charles King Kerr PFCKoreaArmyNashua6-Jan1/6/285/18/5123
Arthur Raymond Labonte PFCKoreaMarinesManchester26-Jun6/26/3012/27/5222
Leo H Lapointe PVTKoreaArmyCampton13-Feb2/13/317/4/5120
Leon P LapointeKoreaAir ForceConcord3/17/19293/17/299/7/5122
Roland Laurent Leblanc PVT MIAKoreaArmyManchester1-Jan1/1/2911/2/5021
Theodore William Ledoux SGT MIAKoreaArmyLittleton21-May5/21/3111/28/5019
Gordon R. Lemay SGTKoreaArmyAuburn Mass15-Apr4/15/2911/2/5021
Ronald Norman Levasseur PFCKoreaMarinesPortsmouth7-Jan1/7/3011/29/5020
Walter Sylvester Livermore PFCKoreaArmyNewton29-Sep9/29/318/10/5119
Frank E. Mabey SGTKoreaArmyPortsmouth1-Jan1/1/229/15/5028
Robert Hugh Malloy SGTKoreaMarinesKeene22-Aug8/22/308/7/5221
David Charles Joseph Marier PFCKoreaMarinesSuncook23-Dec12/23/293/2/5121
Thomas Edward Mason PFCKoreaArmyLyman29-Jun6/29/281/8/5324
James Joseph Mayo PFCKoreaArmyRochester15-Jul7/15/1712/10/5033
Earney Alfred Mayo Jr. PFCKoreaMarinesConcord28-Aug8/28/318/8/5220
Albert Anthony McCarthy SFCKoreaArmyLaconia1-Jan1/1/2211/2/5028
Edward Arthur John McCormack PVTKoreaArmyConcord21-Feb2/21/317/31/5221
Ronald William McKenzie PFCKoreaArmyClaremont12-Jul7/12/298/12/5021
Joseph Hector Raymond Mercier PFCKoreaArmyBerlin17-Nov11/17/293/15/5121
Ralph Crowell Merrill Jr.PVTKoreaArmyMeredith18-Dec12/18/317/5/5018
Bruce Robert Mills PFCKoreaArmyNew Durham27-Sep9/27/3211/2/5018
Robert J. Moody PFCKoreaArmyRochester3-Jul7/3/303/7/5120
Carol Junior Moreau CPLKoreaArmyRochester27-Apr4/27/313/8/5119
Peter Joseph Morin Jr. SGTKoreaArmyLancaster15-Feb2/15/295/18/5122
Fernand Aime Morin PFCKoreaArmyMadawaska Me13-Dec12/13/2911/2/5020
Edward Joseph Morse Jr. CPLKoreaArmyLoudon30-Mar3/30/3111/30/5019
Fulton Thomas MountainKoreaNavyBretton Woods24-Apr4/24/3410/16/5319
John Martin Murphy CPLKoreaArmyHanover14-Jul7/14/275/27/5325
Lelon A. Olson PFCKoreaArmyAntrim14-Feb2/14/332/14/5118
Chester Earl Paris CPLKoreaMarinesCharlestown1-Dec12/1/269/24/5023
Joseph Norman Pelletier PFCKoreaArmyBerlin5-Jun6/5/302/13/5120
Donald Edward Perry PFCKoreaArmyManchester13-Dec12/13/319/22/5018
Gene Leon Piela CPLKoreaArmyFranklin20-Nov11/20/297/17/5222
Roger Armand St. Pierre PFCKoreaArmyManchester19-Nov11/19/326/12/5219
Raymond Stewart Pike PFCKoreaArmyTilton17-Nov11/17/2910/7/5222
Joseph E. Potvin CPLKoreaArmyGonic6-Jun6/6/19268/12/5024
Alphonse H. Raymond Jr. PVTKoreaArmyManchester1-Jun6/1/3210/3/5119
Elmer Powers Richard PFCKoreaArmyExeter3-Jun6/3/3012/2/5020
Norman Andrew Riddle SFCKoreaArmyConcord17-Aug8/17/2612/24/5226
Wallace Fred Ritter PFCKoreaArmySalem26-Jun6/26/3111/28/5019
Richard E. Rivers PFCKoreaArmyCampton24-Jun6/24/329/23/5018
Clifford E Roalf PFCKoreaArmySurry13-Oct10/13/307/21/5019
Donald Albert Roberge PFCKoreaArmySomersworth27-Oct10/27/317/15/5321
Joseph Armand Robillard Jr. PVTKoreaArmyManchester21-Sep9/21/3211/30/5018
Harold J. Rolfe Jr. PFCKoreaArmyGroveton28-Feb2/28/3010/17/5121
Leonard Edmond Roy PFCKoreaMarinesManchester1-Jul7/1/299/5/5223
Ernest Fallon Russell SGTKoreaArmyKeene27-Oct10/27/3012/12/5020
John L. Sanborn PVTKoreaArmyLaconia5-Jun6/5/329/5/5018
Delmo SantosKoreaArmyManchester28-Mar3/28/269/7/5024
Leo Paul Telesphore Savard PVTKoreaArmyNorthumberland28-Aug8/28/3410/24/5218
Alfred Harry Sidney CPL POWKoreaArmyLittleton9-Dec12/9/275/18/5123
Harry Sparrow Smith SGTKoreaArmyLancaster1-Nov11/1/3111/2/5019
Ernest Harold Stevens SGTKoreaArmyEast Rochester16-Mar3/16/158/25/5035
Gary Scott Stickles PVTKoreaArmyDover9-Jul7/9/357/8/5317
George Walker Stimpson PFCKoreaArmyLittleton1-Aug8/1/298/10/5021
Donald A. Stuart CPLKoreaArmyRochester20-Sep9/20/19291/19/5323
Allan Maurice Tarr 2nd LTKoreaAir ForceDerry22-May5/22/282/22/5324
Aurel Normand Tremblay PFCKoreaArmyNashua29-Jan1/29/277/30/5023
Joseph William Troy PVTKoreaArmyConcord3-Apr4/3/276/10/5326
Roger Trudeau SGTKoreaArmyManchester15-Nov11/15/218/16/5028
Edmund Joseph Turcotte PVTKoreaArmyRochester19-Aug8/19/339/27/5118
Leon Howard Tutt SFCKoreaArmyWolfeboro16-Jun5/16/2112/1/5029
Earl P Tyler PFCKoreaArmyNashua18-Mar3/18/318/4/5322
Donald Francis Van Den Berghe CPLKoreaArmyManchester30-Jul7/30/297/23/5323
Mark Anthony Wentworth PVTKoreaArmyDummer17-May5/17/3010/19/5222
Leigh Mayhew Wentworth PVTKoreaArmyConcord23-May5/23/307/18/5222
Walter Edward West PFCKoreaArmyExeter14-Jan1/14/304/2/5323
Francis Edward Wilson PVTKoreaArmyEpping18-Dec12/18/309/4/5019
Clarence Cleon Woodman CPLKoreaArmyRochester4-Mar3/4/332/1/5218
William James Wright PFCKoreaArmyColumbia19-Dec12/19/271/23/5123
Edwin Charles Young Jr. PFCKoreaArmyLaconia10-May5/10/3311/23/5219
Ernest A. Zecha Jr. 2nd LTKoreaArmyKeene1-Jan1/1/286/13/5325
Korean War Memorial - New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korean War Memorial

#91 - Contocook NH VFW Post 11490 Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Contocook NH VFW Post 11490

#92 - Fraternity of Free Masons Veterans Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Fraternity of Free Masons Veterans Bench

#93 Fourth Marine Division - WWII Memorial -

Dedicated December 7, 2004

NH State Veterans Cemetery - 4th Marine Memorial Dedication
NH State Veterans Cemetery Fourth Marine Division Memorial
NH State Veterans Cemetery Fourth Marine Division Memorial
4th Marine Division Memorial - NH State Veterans Cemetery

#94 - Fighting Fourth - Iwo Jima Marines Memorial Bench

#96 - American Legion Firing Squad - Post 48 Hudson NH

NH State Veterans Cemetery - American Legion Firing Squad Post 48 Hudson NH

#97 - Combat Wounded Veterans - Purple Heart Memorial - Dedicated August 7, 2005

NH State Veterans Cemetery Combat Wounded Veterans Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Purple Heart Memorial Dedication
Order of the Purple Heart Commemorative Envelope - Manchester NH May 30 2003

#98 - Veterans Helping Veterans Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Veterans Helping Veterans Bench

#99 - Vietnam Veterans of America -  Central NH Chapter 41 Bench

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Vietnam Veterans of America - Central NH Chapter 41

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Gettsburg Address at NH State Veterans Cemetery

Twenty Points of New Hampshire Military History

NH STate Veterans Cemetery - New Hampshire 20 Points of Military History
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 20 Points of History Fundraiser
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 20 Points of History Fundraiser
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 20 Points of History Fundraiser
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 20 Points of History Fundraiser
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 20 Points of History Fundraiser
NH Veterans Cemetery Historic Walkway Dedication Nov 11 2004

NH Recipients of the Medal of Honor

NH State Veterans Cemetery - NH Recipients of the Medal of Honor

Operation Iraqi Freedom

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Operation Iraqi Freedom

Operation Enduring Freedom

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Operation Enduring Freedom

Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Operation Desert Shield - Desert Storm

The Vietnam War

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The Vietnam War

Pease Air Force Base & Strategic Air Command

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Pease Air Force Base & The Strategic Air Command

Korea - The Forgotten War

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korea - The Forgotten War

The Air National Guard

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Korea - The Air National Guard

World War II and Corporal Rene Gagnon

NH State Veterans Cemetery - World War II & Corporal Rene Gagnon

The First World War

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The First World War

Birth of the New Hampshire National Guard

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Birth of the New Hampshire National Guard

Hariet Patience Dame & the Birth of Combat Nursing

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Harriet Patience Dame & the Birth of Combat Nursing

The Great Rebellion & Colonel Edward Cross

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The Great Rebellion and Colonel Edward Cross

Franklin Pierce and the War with Mexico

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Franklin Pierce & the War with Mexico

The War of 1812 - President Madison's War

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The War of 1812 - Mr. Madison's War

Breeds Hill & the Beginning of the US Navy

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Breeds Hill & the Beginning of the US Navy

The Powder Raids on Fort William & Mary

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The Powder Raids on Fort William & Mary

Rogers' Rangers & the Beginning of Special Forces

Louisbourg & Fort Number Four

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Louisbourg & Fort Number Four

1680 and the Beginning of the New Hampshire Militia

NH State Veterans Cemetery - 1680 & The Beginning of the New Hampshire Militia

The Circle of Flags

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The Circle of Flags

The United States Marines

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The United States Marines

Department of the Navy

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The Department of the Navy

Department of the Air Force

United States Coast Guard

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The United States Coast Guard

Seal of the State of New Hampshire

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The Seal of the State of New Hampshire

Department of the Army

NH State Veterans Cemetery - The Department of the Army

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Heritage Learning Center

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Heritage Learning Center
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Heritage Learning Center
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Heritage Learning Center
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Heritage Learning Center - Medal of Honor
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Heritage Learning Center
Local Hero Robert Hammond Campton NH US Marines

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery

NH State Veterans Cemetery
Baby Girl Parichand - NH State Veterans Cemetery
Michael W Ouellette Memorial Marker NH State Veterans Cemetery
Brigadier General Carolyn Protzmann Headstone NH State Veterans Cemetery

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Section 3 Memorial 

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Section 3 Memorial

1st Memorial Marker - Nov 2003: Marshall Brent Mccomb

NH State Veterans Cemetery - Section 3 Memorial Marker - Marshall Brent McComb

100 Nights of Remembrance : Memorial Day till September 11th : - Taps at 7:00 PM

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 100 Nights of Remembrance
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 100 Nights of Remembrance
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 100 Nights of Remembrance
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 100 Nights of Remembrance Sept 11 2021
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 100 Nights of Remembrance Sept 11 2021 Noel Taylor
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 100 Nights of Remembrance Sept 11 2021 Noel Taylor
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 100 Nights of Remembrance Sept 11 2021 Noel Taylor
NH State Veterans Cemetery - 100 Nights of Remembrance Sept 11 2021

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Ground Breaking Ceremony - May 2, 1997

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery -

Dedication Ceremony: September 27, 1997

NH State Veterans Cemetery Dedication Invitation - Sept 27 1997

The New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 

Today's American Legion (1999) with Doug Micklon,

Lloyd Farnham (NH State Veterans Cemetery Director) & Rep. Jim Fenton -                     Sponsor of HB 424-FN-A

320 Years of NH Military History Gala - May 30 2001
320 Years of NH Military History Gala - May 30 2001
NH State Veterans Cemetert 20 Points Gala Program Cover

320 Years of New Hampshire Military History - 20 Points of NH Military History - May 30th 2001

Memorial Day - New Hampshire StateVeterans Cemetery - 2011

Veterans Day - New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 2011

100 Nights of Remembrance Closing Ceremony - 2017

A Living Memorial - New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - Produced by David Kenney

Memorial Day Observation - New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 2021

Memorial Day Observation - New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - May 30, 2022

NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 Shawn Buck Director
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 Nicole Knox Murphy
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022  Denis McDonough VA Secretary
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 Governor Chris Sununu
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 John Jenkins Dept of NH Marine Corps League
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 Peggy LaBreque
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 NH 39th Army Band
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 Penacook Elementary Choir
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 Penacook Elementary School Choir
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 Denis McDonoughVA Secretary
NH State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day 2022 Lee Hirtle Taps

Catholic War Veterans Of New Hampshire - Past Commander Monument Dedication - July 23, 2022

Catholic War Veterans Past Commander Memorial Dedication - NHSVC
Catholic War Veterans Past Commander Memorial Dedication - NHSVC
Catholic War Veterans Past Commander Memorial Dedication - NHSVC
Catholic War Veterans Past Commander Memorial Dedication - NHSVC
Catholic War Veterans Past Commander Memorial Dedication - NHSVC
Catholic War Veterans Past Commander Memorial Dedication - NHSVC
Catholic War Veterans Past Commander Memorial Dedication - NHSVC
Catholic War Veterans Past Commander Memorial Dedication - NHSVC

New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery - 25th Anniversary Celebration - September 24, 2022

NHSVC 25th Anniversary Celebration September 24 2022 Program
NHSVC 25th Anniversary Celebration September 24 2022 Program
NHSVC 25th Anniversary Celebration September 24 2022 Program
NH State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary - John E Blair Ray Goulet Roger Desjardins
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary
Major General Davfid Mikolaities NH State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary
Senator Jeanne Shaheen NHSVC 25th Anniversary
Senator Maggie Hassan NHSVC 25th Anniversary
NH State Veterans Cemetery Elaine Morrison Artist
NH State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary Boscawen Select Board Presentation
NH State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary Anthony Martin from California
NH State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary - General Gretchen Dunkelberger reading Poem
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary
NH State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary Coin
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery 25th Anniversary

New Hampshire Teacher Workshop - May 12, 2023

Memorial Day Ceremony - May 30, 2023

Korean War Armistice - 70th Anniversary Ceremony - Hosted By The Korean-American Society Of New Hampshire

 Korean War Armistice 70th Anniversary Ceremony at the NH State Veterans Cemetery
 Consulate Kim - Korean War Armistice 70th Anniversary Ceremony at the NH State Veterans Cemetery
Sun Woo Park & Warren Perry -  Korean War Armistice 70th Anniversary Ceremony at the NH State Veterans Cemetery
Contoocook NH VFW -  Korean War Armistice 70th Anniversary Ceremony at the NH State Veterans Cemetery
Contoocook NH VFW - Korean War Armistice 70th Anniversary Ceremony at the NH State Veterans Cemetery

POW/MIA Recognition Day - September 23, 2023

POW/MIA Recognition DAY NH State Veterans Cemetery September 23 2023
POW/MIA Recognition DAY NH State Veterans Cemetery September 23 2023
POW/MIA Recognition DAY NH State Veterans Cemetery September 23 2023
POW/MIA Recognition DAY NH State Veterans Cemetery September 23 2023
POW/MIA Recognition DAY NH State Veterans Cemetery September 23 2023
POW/MIA Recognition DAY NH State Veterans Cemetery September 23 2023

New Hampshire Jewish War Veterans Memorial Dedication - October 13, 2023

NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023
NH Jewish War Veterans Monument Dedication - October 15 3023

Wreaths for Boscawen - December 2nd, 2023

Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery - Director Shawn Buck
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery - Blue Star Mothers - Karen Perkins Thurston
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery - NH Adjutant General David Mikolaities - Paul Lloyd - CWO George Q Munson
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery - Deputy Adjutant General Warren Perry
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Tilton Nh Boy Scouts
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Volunteer Families
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Volunteer Families
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Volunteer Families
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Volunteer Families
Wreaths for Boscawen 2023 - NH State Veterans Cemetery Blue Srar Mothers of New Hampshire

Seven New Hampshire Veterans Laid to Rest - April 24, 2024

Memorial Day Observation - May 30, 2024

Memorial Day 2024 at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen New Hampshire
Memorial Day 2024 at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen New Hampshire
Memorial Day 2024 at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen New Hampshire
Memorial Day 2024 at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen New Hampshire

Catholic War Veterans - Past President (Women) Monument Dedication - October 12, 2024

NH Catholic War Veterans Past Women President Monument Dedication
NH Catholic War Veterans Past Women President Monument Dedication
NH Catholic War Veterans Past Women President Monument Dedication
NH Catholic War Veterans Past Women President Monument Dedication
NH Catholic War Veterans Past Women President Monument Dedication

Wreaths for Boscawen - December 7, 2024

Silent Heroes - Live Eulogy for Air Force Veteran Phyllis B. Crowley of L:aconia New Hampshire 3/9/1932 - 3/17/2023

Born  March 9, 1932 in Springfield, Massachusetts a city  working to produce weapons of war unintentionally created a war hero . Her parents Donald and Calma Arnold welcomed her into their growing family. Phyllis  grew up with her two brothers, Robert and Donald, and two sisters, Betty and Dorothy. From her early years, Phyllis had a growing interest in basketball, as might happen when one grows up in the birthplace of said game! Her love of sports was not limited to basketball as she was an avid sports enthusiast throughout her years. 

Once she graduated from her local high school in 1950, she sought out a job to sustain a livable income. She was hired as a clerk for an insurance company, handling many daily tasks such as organizing files and managing the typewriter. In the comfort of her own hometown, on January 2, 1951, she enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. Assigned to the 57th Division Army Post Office, working as a stenographer capturing important information using shorthand, a skill very few are able to master. She organized and scheduled appointments across all military personnel. Throughout the war she was stationed across the country, residing in Texas, New York, and eventually Oklahoma. On June 1, 1953, she deployed to Germany. Despite her limited knowledge of the language, she was awarded the Occupation Medal of Germany for her time serving abroad. She left Germany on August 27, 1954, and was discharged from the military on October 20, 1954. Throughout her time serving, she received four promotions to acknowledge her hard work and dedication to the Air Force. While she entered as a Private, she left with the rank of E-4, or Corporal/Specialist. She was awarded the Occupational Medal Germany, Good Conduct Award, and the National Defense Service medal. 

Returning from the war, she met Richard J. Crowley. They had three daughters together; Melissa, Calma and Denise. She and her husband ran a small local business for a couple of years. She stemmed away from her original roots in her last years, and settled up in Laconia, New Hampshire, where she died on March 1, 2023 at the age of 91. Some people may not see the value of a simple stenographer but we see her as a pioneer. Invaluable in her capabilities and creating a world she wanted to live in, she sacrificed to support this country and was under-represented in her time. Phyllis B. Arnold Crowley was a woman of her own conviction, smart, competent and a mother a like to lady liberty leading her children by example; a model citizen. Rest in peace Phyllis B. Arnold Crowley, through your service to our country you have earn your place in history.