New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Vietnam War Memorial
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery Vietnam War Memorial
Vietnam War Memorial - Washington D.C.
Vietnam War Memorial - Washington D.C.

The Photos shown below originate from two distinct Web Pages honoring Vietnam Veterans lost in service to their Country.

Please visit the Original Web Pages for additional Comments, Letters and Service reports:

The Virtual Wall:

NameConflictBranch of ServiceTownBornDiedAgeWall PanelWall Panel Line
Terry Michael Abbott PVTVietnamMarinesLancaster5/8/492/22/681840E57
David Alan Ackerman PFCVietnamArmyDerry7/18/496/6/6818  
Robert Paul Ahern SP5VietnamArmyLaconia3/19/423/30/6927  
Daniel John Albert SgtVietnamArmyBerlin11/19/4811/21/6820  
Clyde Douglas Alloway Tech SGT MIAVietnamAir ForcePortsmouth10/18/376/7/7032  
John Christopher Archbold MajorVietnamMarinesPortsmouth10/17/296/7/6939  
Frank Neil Badolati SSG MIAVietnamArmy- 5th SFGoffstown3/19/331/29/6632  
Gary Wayne Ball SP4VietnamArmyWalpole3/25/487/16/6820  
Glendon Roman Barnett SP4VietnamArmyJaffrey3/19/446/14/6723  
James B Bartlett SGTVietnamArmyPortsmouth4/6/427/2/6624  
Gaetan Jean Guy Beaudoin SGTVietnamArmyManchester9/5/488/26/6920  
Gilbert Thomas Beaupre SP4VietnamArmyManchester4/3/4310/25/6724  
Michael E Bennett 2nd LtVietnamArmyBrentwood4/15/4611/2/6721  
Guy Andre Blanchette SGTVietnamArmyManchester11/30/468/26/6922  
Lawrence Clifford Bloom SgtVietnamArmyExeter3/28/471/26/6820  
Richard George Bouchard CplVietnamMarinesManchester7/17/479/19/6922  
Michael Ervan Brady SP4VietnamArmyNewport1/1/461/28/6721  
Richard Albert Brooks CplVietnamMarinesPittsfield8/3/474/25/6820  
Cecil Angus Broome Jr. SSGVietnamArmy- 5th SFLancaster9/5/335/26/6632  
Bruce Wadleigh Brown 1st LtVietnamArmyHampton2/13/459/12/6823  
James Warren Brown PFCVietnamArmyCampton7/16/463/13/6619  
Mark Lawrence Brown Sp4VietnamArmy- 5th SFHampton4/19/509/27/6919  
Warren Richard Brown SP4VietnamArmyNashua5/18/472/22/6820  
David Elvin Bunker SP4VietnamArmyKingston11/8/4611/13/6721  
Sheldon John Burnett Colonel MIA - Body Returned to USVietnamArmyPelham6/9/315/29/7947  
John Bishop Cabana Jr CaptainVietnamAir ForceNew Castle9/22/393/29/6727  
George Eugene CahillVietnamMarinesRochester2/13/388/29/6729  
Paul Joseph Camire L CorporalVietnamMarinesExeter11/7/465/25/6720  
Frank Lee Cass CplVietnamArmyPlymouth11/1/513/11/7119  
Robert Sheehan Castelot PFCVietnamMarinesHillsborough1/21/486/11/6820  
William Earl Cate SgtVietnamMarinesHillsborough10/4/369/15/6629  
Howard Arthur Chamberlin L CorporalVietnamMarinesBrookfield1/10/479/12/6720  
Arthur Edward Clough PFCVietnamMarinesGrantham3/18/502/18/7019  
Ronald Raymond Cormier PFCVietnamMarinesPortsmouth4/8/484/21/6719  
Martin James Coronis WOVietnamArmyNashua12/6/427/11/6724  
Ralph Ronald Cummings PFCVietnamMarinesPortsmouth2/13/513/18/7120  
William Stanley Cutting PO2VietnamNavyLebanon10/29/444/1/6823  
George Louis Dale SFCVietnamArmyGorham7/4/415/6/6826  
Raymond Coyle Daley 1st LtVietnamMarinesDover11/30/437/3/6824  
Ronald Charles Davis SGTVietnamArmyNew Boston12/20/481/23/7021  
William Thomas Davis PFCVietnamMarinesHolderness7/18/498/25/6819  
Darwin James Delano SP4VietnamArmyHinsdale3/23/4711/26/6821  
Richard Arthur Demers CPLVietnamMarinesBerlin2/27/4710/16/6720  
Arthur Emile Demers Jr. CPLVietnamMarinesPenacook11/25/467/2/6720  
Richard Terrance Derosier WOVietnamArmyClaremont7/10/401/3/7029  
Maurice Claude Descoteaux SSGVietnamArmyBerlin2/9/308/19/6737  
George Philip Desmarais PFCVietnamMarinesConcord7/24/493/28/6818  
Charles Joseph Dickey 1st LtVietnamArmyLancaster10/9/417/7/6826  
Robert Paul Dionne HRVietnamNavyManchester4/2/437/14/6522  
Leon Normand Doucet CPLVietnamMarinesManchester9/8/452/5/6721  
William Raymond Douillette Jr. PFCVietnamMarinesConcord10/20/501/29/6918  
Lawrence Normand Dubia MSGTVietnamMarinesTilton7/3/342/4/7035  
Joseph Agustus Durling III PFCVietnamMarinesDerry3/3/499/7/6718  
Orrin Leonard Dyer Jr CWOVietnamArmyRumney7/1/292/3/6838  
Robert Bennett Emro PSGTVietnamArmyStrafford10/27/294/18/6737  
John Paul Falcone Jr CPT VietnamArmyHampton10/28/3911/11/6728  
William Newcomer Feaster CPT ChaplainVietnamArmyPortsmouth5/14/3810/26/6628  
Ralph Barnard Fecteau Jr PVTVietnamMarinesCornish12/6/475/23/6820  
Robert Edward Finan Lance CplVietnamMarinesClaremont7/5/4912/16/6920  
James Norman Finn SFCVietnamArmy- 5th SFSalem6/6/3112/4/6635  
George Francis Flanagan SSGTVietnamMarinesNashua9/12/381/4/6829  
Peter Fletcher CPLVietnamMarinesHudson9/21/461/20/6922  
Marshall H Ford WOVietnamArmyMarlborough4/10/451/7/682233E67
William George Fraser CPLVietnamMarinesManchester2/4/4712/28/6720  
Edward Francis Fratus SP5VietnamArmyConcord2/17/4912/9/6920  
Gerald James Frost CPLVietnamArmyDover12/9/476/8/6820  
Robert Gene Galbreath SP4VietnamArmyWinchester3/25/522/25/7219  
Ernest Ulric Gamelin Jr PFCVietnamArmySuncook11/3/4812/23/6820  
Richard Owen Ganley LTCVietnamAir ForceKeene9/22/406/29/7837  
David Ernest Gardner PFCVietnamArmyWalpole5/29/4812/11/6820  
Robert Louis Gardner SGTVietnamArmyNashua7/1/226/13/6239  
Thomas Wilfred Gaudet PO3VietnamNavySalem7/20/474/21/6921  
Michael Lewis Geister 1st LTVietnamArmyRye2/17/463/16/7024  
Joseph Armand Roger Gelinas CWOVietnamArmyManchester1/3/2810/11/6739  
Richard Edgar Genest SSGVietnamArmyManchester8/7/458/26/6924  
Yvon Eldmond Girouard PFCVietnamMarinesLittleton4/1/495/23/6920W2484
Richard Gerald Godbout SGTVietnamArmyManchester1/11/4812/30/6719  
Barry William Godfrey WOVietnamArmyPelham2/10/508/25/7020  
Verne Milton Greeley PFCVietnamMarinesDerry9/11/477/6/6719  
Eliot Franklin Guild PO2VietnamMarinesWinchester9/16/461/20/6821  
Robert Frederick Haines SSGVietnamArmyLoudon 12/21/428/27/6724  
Richard Lee Halgren A1CVietnamAir ForceNashua6/4/469/24/6822  
Kenneth Robert Hall SSGTVietnamMarinesKeene5/28/354/24/6630  
Kenneth Walter Hall LT ColonelVietnamArmyNashua6/17/266/24/6842  
Eugene Howard Harriman SSGVietnamArmyWest Frankin2/13/3612/23/6731  
Richard Kenefick Harvell Lance CorporalVietnamMarinesBedford12/17/479/29/6719  
Yvon Andre Hebert CPLVietnamArmyStratford10/2/461/17/6720  
Gerald Robert Helmich Colonel MIAVietnamAir ForceManchester11/17/319/1/7846  
Carroll Fanklin Hersey MGYSGT GunnyVietnamMarinesWolfeboro5/13/285/18/6941  
Davis Wayne Hildreth SP4VietnamArmyWarren9/19/494/14/6919  
Barry Malcolm Hillsgrove PFCVietnamArmyDover2/22/473/30/6821  
John Lawrence Hogan 1st LtVietnamArmyExeter12/29/473/28/7123  
Ralph Arthur Howard SSGVietnamArmyHillsborough8/13/482/10/7021  
Jay Allen Hurd PFCVietnamArmyLaconia1/18/479/1/6619  
Frank Alan Indyk Lance CprlVietnamArmyRaymond6/22/4912/15/6718  
Stephen Dyer Jewett SP4VietnamMarinesEast Andover12/14/4212/27/6523  
Richard Bruce Johnston SP4VietnamArmyCandia1/11/466/22/6721  
Kenneth Bradley Jordan PFCVietnamMarinesTwin Mountain3/25/483/27/6719  
William Arthur Joy HNVietnamMarinesManchester12/3/478/11/6820  
William Clyde Joy Lance CprlVietnamMarinesEpsom8/15/509/17/6919  
George Edward Joyce PVTVietnamArmyPortsmouth9/15/4312/5/6522  
Howard Walker Kaiser 1st LtVietnamAir ForceChesterfield3/25/419/13/6625  
Ronald Norman Keller PO3VietnamNavyExeter2/16/482/9/6819  
Verne Carl Kelley 1st LtVietnamArmy- 5th SFEast Barrington2/14/422/12/6926  
Benjamin Albert Kenison CPLVietnamMarinesJefferson4/2/469/16/662010E101
Stanley Roy Kilton Jr. PFCVietnamMarinesManchester3/25/486/28/6820  
Edward George Kiluk Jr SP4VietnamArmyPelham1/16/497/24/7021  
Robert Louis Knight Jr SGTVietnamArmyBennington5/9/484/11/692027W56
Czeslaw Kowalczyk SSGVietnamArmyNashua3/3/2612/5/6539  
David Alan Kreitzer CWOVietnamArmyLaconia4/20/4612/2/6721  
Roland Charles Labonte CPTVietnamArmyNashua7/28/354/19/6933  
Russell Thomas Lafave PFCVietnamArmyManchester8/13/514/1/7018  
Ernest Albert Laroche PVTVietnamMarinesWest Frankin4/17/472/26/6618  
John Winslow Lawrence Jr. MajorVietnamArmyFarmington1/22/389/16/7133  
Paul Raymond Le Houllier Lance CplVietnamMarinesSomersworth9/26/474/5/6921  
Daniel Michael Leahy 2nd LtVietnamArmyManchester10/23/454/18/6923  
John F Lee 1st LtVietnamArmyNewport1/29/417/6/6625  
Gregory A Leighton SP4VietnamArmyExeter12/4/439/6/6622  
Richard Edward Letendre PFCVietnamArmyNashua10/30/4810/5/6819  
William Nicholas Loomis Lance CplVietnamMarinesSalem1/15/499/13/6718  
Dennis Franklin Lorden SP4VietnamArmyNashua9/21/487/14/6920  
Norman Gerard Lozeau PFCVietnamArmyManchester4/27/473/9/6719  
William Arthur Malenfant SGTVietnamArmyNashua10/27/471/15/7123  
Robert Bernard Mann PFC VietnamArmySalem7/2/447/11/6622  
Andre Edward Marcotte Lance CplVietnamMarinesRye12/6/487/1/6718  
Sotorios Milton Margaritis CPLVietnamMarinesRaymond9/1/468/8/6720  
Dennis Hardie Marshall Lance CPLVietnamMarinesLisbon7/17/469/7/6721  
Lawrence Jay Marshall MajorVietnamAir ForceManchester1/28/2912/27/7243  
Normand Richard Martel PFCVietnamMarinesManchester4/26/455/3/6722  
Steven Wayne Martin CaptainVietnamMarinesWolfeboro11/2/4310/11/6824  
Rojer James McAllister Jr. SGTVietnamArmyMilford9/6/405/9/6524  
Michael Thomas McGlone SGTVietnamArmyDover2/13/509/11/6919  
John Winchester Mcguire PFCVietnamArmyDerry11/4/432/3/6824  
James Patrick McKeon MajorVietnamAir ForceNashua2/13/332/13/6936  
Thomas Michael SGTVietnamArmyDover2/13/493/28/6920  
William Michael Miller WOVietnamArmyKeene7/22/479/15/6821  
Larry Joseph Milot Lance CplVietnamMarinesManchester9/25/474/2/6820  
Thomas Joseph Morrisey Jr CorporalVietnamMarinesDover8/22/486/5/6819  
Peter Whitcomb Morrison 1st LtVietnamAir ForceLaconia12/29/426/9/6724  
Arthur C Mourtgis Jr PFCVietnamArmyManchester1/7/485/15/6719  
Raymond C Mroczynski SFCVietnamArmyManchester8/11/402/26/6928  
Quinten Emile Mulleavey SP4 MIAVietnamArmyNorth Woodstock12/16/484/3/6819  
Walter Aleck Murzin Lance CplVietnamMarinesConcord5/17/4610/2/6620  
Charles Edmond Muzzey PFCVietnamMarinesEnfield7/23/471/9/6820  
Paul Ernest Nadeau PFCVietnamArmyManchester4/19/329/4/6634  
Thomas Dennis Nadeau SP4VietnamArmyNashua12/27/488/11/6819  
Leonard King Nute SP4VietnamArmyHudson12/12/465/25/6720  
Ronald Leon Olson SP4VietnamArmyConcord3/20/4911/24/6920  
William Wayne O'Neil SP4VietnamArmyChesterfield10/11/491/21/7020  
Thomas Philip O'Neill SSGTVietnamMarinesDover4/16/423/14/7027  
Albert Linwood Page Jr. Major MIAVietnamAir ForceDerry6/28/355/28/7438  
Raymond Louis Paradis PFCVietnamArmyNashua6/24/485/9/7021  
Ernest George Paul PFCVietnamMarinesConcord6/10/435/29/6622  
William Roy Pearson SGTVietnamAir ForceWarner4/18/514/6/7220  
Richard William Pelletier SSGVietnamArmyGreenville12/16/493/24/6919  
David B Perreault SP5VietnamArmyFranklin6/18/4610/3/6822  
Steven Jay Philbrick PVTVietnamMarinesHampton10/4/496/6/6919  
Jerry Dean Pillsbury PFCVietnamMarinesGrantham1/17/479/25/6619  
Robert James Plourde CPLVietnamArmyLaconia2/2/493/28/681964W14
Karl Dennis Porter SP4VietnamArmyLoudon 6/16/511/29/7220  
Richard Charles Porter Lance CplVietnamMarinesHanover9/28/491/24/7121  
Philip Avery Pratt SP4VietnamArmyFremont4/20/485/31/6921  
Wayne Thomas Provencher PFCVietnamArmyConcord6/19/495/10/6818  
Lawrence Robert Raymond Lance CPLVietnamMarinesManchester9/23/483/24/6819  
Richard Paul RaymondVietnamArmyManchester12/5/418/26/6927  
Joseph Andrew Rayno SSGVietnamArmyFranklin1/31/4012/29/6626  
Michael P Ribich SP4VietnamArmyGreat Falls11/18/4710/6/7931  
George William Riordan PO3VietnamMarinesDover6/23/483/14/6819  
Richard Norman Rivard SP4VietnamArmyMerrimack6/10/464/15/6821  
Ronald D Roach SGTVietnamArmyConcord9/25/472/12/6820  
Edmund Edward Roberge SFCVietnamArmyManchester7/3/323/16/7138  
Roger Edward Robichaud SGTVietnamArmyManchester7/1/458/26/6924  
Wilfred Roland Robillard PFCVietnamArmyManchester2/26/4710/10/6518  
Joseph Robert Robinson SSGTVietnamMarinesDover5/12/383/28/6728  
Robert Quentin Roentsch SP4VietnamArmyWalpole2/14/462/19/6620  
Everett Porter Runnells SP4VietnamArmyConcord11/4/468/27/6619  
Alfred Bayard Russ 1st LtVietnamMarinesHancock11/3/431/13/6824  
Thomas John Saltmarsh PFCVietnamArmyConcord2/19/493/14/6819  
Bradley Elliott Sandford 1st SGTVietnamArmyPortsmouth9/19/2312/27/7047  
Steven Craig Santy Lance CPLVietnamMarinesBelmont12/13/497/14/6818  
Ernest Eugene Sanville PO3VietnamNavyNorth Hinsdale11/14/438/31/6824  
Michael Jorn Saunders PFCVietnamArmyPenacook1/13/4712/10/6720  
James Everett Sawyer Jr CPLVietnamArmyLaconia11/18/476/14/6921  
Robert William Sawyer SGTVietnamArmyManchester4/4/498/23/6819  
James Edward Schunemann CWOVietnamArmyManchester1/9/483/20/7022  
Robert Peter Scibilia SP4VietnamArmyNashua5/9/485/23/6921  
John Senechek SMAJVietnamArmyManchester3/18/199/16/7152  
Gerald Calvin Seybold CWO2VietnamMarinesConcord6/3/344/28/7136  
Frank Joseph Sharek Jr Lance CPLVietnamMarinesManchester4/28/477/23/6821  
Robert Ernest Shaw PFCVietnamMarinesNorth Hampton12/10/473/31/6921  
Gary Roy Smith SP4VietnamArmyLaconia2/22/494/27/6920  
Murray Lawrence Smith MajorVietnamAir ForceHampton Beach5/23/3312/21/6734  
Douglas Stewart Souther Jr. SP4VietnamArmySeabrook1/30/494/7/6920  
Raymond Ernest Stanley CPLVietnamMarinesManchester2/17/474/30/6821  
John Clifton Steer SGTVietnamArmyKingston3/22/4710/31/6720  
Harold Kenneth Stevens Jr Lance CPLVietnamMarinesKeene3/26/436/8/6522  
Phillip Joseph Stickney SMSGT MIA Body Returned to USVietnamAir ForceManchester12/23/376/25/7436  
Douglas Earl Stover WOVietnamArmyConcord1/1/473/26/6922  
Michael Lawrence Succi CPLVietnamMarinesPortsmouth8/7/473/14/6820  
Allan Francis Sullivan CPOVietnamNavyLoudon 6/10/292/23/6838  
Terrence Colin Sullivan PFCVietnamArmyBerlin4/8/475/20/6720  
Robert Joseph Sullivan MSG MIAVietnamArmy- 5th SFEast Alstead11/19/367/12/6730  
Michael Bernard Sweeney 2nd LtVietnamArmyKeene11/4/4612/24/6721  
Eugene Frederick Sweet JrVietnamArmyPortsmouth7/7/491/4/6818  
Armand Alvin Sylvestre CaptainVietnamArmyNashua5/11/367/15/6832  
Winston Adams Taggart SP4VietnamArmyManchester6/13/4712/19/6720  
Lucien Charles Tessier CaptainVietnamMarinesManchester12/23/439/19/6824  
Samuel Silver Theriault MSGVietnamArmy- 1st SFRochester1/6/3411/27/6733  
Robert Paul Titcomb CPLVietnamArmyFarmington9/28/489/9/6920  
Gary Chester Towle CPLVietnamArmyConcord7/29/425/24/6926  
John A Townsend Jr SSGVietnamArmyManchester8/10/3012/4/6838  
Raymond L Trudeau CPTVietnamArmyDurham10/2/397/24/6626  
Dennis Nick VatistasVietnamArmyDover7/12/4912/22/7021  
Thomas Joseph Vezeau CPLVietnamMarinesDerry6/22/512/25/7018  
Alfred Viel PFCVietnamArmyDover10/27/4712/22/6821  
Joseph George Villiard CPLVietnamArmyManchester3/7/353/24/6631  
Alexander George Wainio PFCVietnamMarinesTroy10/19/485/26/6718  
John Raymond Walker SP6VietnamArmyRochester11/29/453/20/7226  
David Howard Weller PFCVietnamMarinesNashua6/15/476/2/6719  
Gary Norman Whipple PFCVietnamArmyClaremont11/12/4812/4/6820  
Robert Frederick White CPLVietnamMarinesNewmarket12/9/398/18/6727  
Terry James Whittaker PFCVietnamMarinesNewport3/17/474/9/6720  
Jonathan Charles Whitticom Lance CPLVietnamMarinesLaconia7/13/476/27/6719  
William Wilkowsky Jr PFCVietnamArmyNashua10/1/454/30/66207E15
Thomas Alan Willard SGTVietnamArmyFarmington12/27/486/18/6920  
Alden Bertram Willey SFCVietnamArmy- 5th SFCampton11/11/333/27/6632 

New Hampshire Soldier "D" Names

Private Terry Michael Abbott: US Marines - Lancaster NH May 8, 1949 - Feb 22, 1968

Private Terry Michael Abbott - Lancaster NH
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-40 Terry Michael Abbott Line 57 Lancaster NH

Private First Class David Alan Ackerman: US Army - Derry NH July 18, 1949 - June 6, 1968

PFC David Alan Ackerman Derry NH
Vietnam War Memorial Washington DC Panel W60 David Ackerman

SP5 Robert Paul Ahern : US Army - Laconia

March 19, 1942 - March 30, 1969

Robert Paul Ahern - Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Daniel John Albert: US Army - Berlin NH

November 19, 1948 - November 21, 1968

SGT Daniel John Albert Berlin NH
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel W-38 Daniel John Albert Line 22 Berlin NH

Maj John Christopher Archbold: US Marines - Portsmouth NH October 17, 1929 - June 7, 1969  

Major John Christopher Archbold Portsmouth NH

John had enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Entered the service via Regular Military. Served during the Vietnam War. He began his tour on November 24, 1968. Archbold had the rank of Major. His military occupation or specialty was Pilot VMA A 4.

Attached to III Marine Amphibious Force, 1st MAW, HMM 364. During his service in the Vietnam War, Marine Corps Major Archbold experienced a traumatic event which ultimately resulted in loss of life on June 7, 1969. Recorded circumstances attributed to: Died through non-hostile action, air crash on land. Incident location: South Vietnam, Quang Nam province.

SSG Frank Neil Badolati: US Army - Gofstown NH

March 19th, 1933 - January 29th, 1966

Staff Sergeant DET B-52 (PROJECT DELTA), HHC, 5TH SF GROUP, USARV Army of the United States Goffstown, New Hampshire March 19, 1933 to January 29, 1966 SSGT Badolati was a member of Detachment B-52, Project Delta, 5th Special Forces Group.

Project Delta was formed in October 1964. Their missions included some of the most hazardous and critical actions in South Vietnam. Augmenting the 5th Special Forces (Green Berets) was a Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG) Security Company, a group of South Vietnamese Special Forces, a South Vietnamese Ranger Battalion and a CIDG “Roadrunner” Company (Roadrunners were equipped with enemy uniforms, equipment and weapons).

Operation Masher (January 24 – March 6, 1966) was the largest search and destroy mission up to that point in the war. Project Delta was selected to reconnoiter the northern end of the An Lao valley. This area of the An Lao Valley is covered with thick vegetation with a great deal of elephant grass, three to four feet tall, and interspersed with cultivated fields. Steep slopes bound the valley on both sides with anti-aircraft emplacements. Intelligence indicated that there were two Regiments of North Vietnamese in the valley supported by Viet Cong insurgents.

With such a heavy concentration of enemy forces, the former commander of Project Delta, Major Art Strange, warned incoming commander Major Charles “Charging Charlie” Beckwith in July of 1965 to “Stay out of the An Lao Valley. They have sophisticated warning systems and tracking dogs.” Operation Masher and “Charging Charlie” ignored good advice. The operation required insertion of recon teams into the valley but problems plagued the mission. Beckwith decided to not augment the Recon teams with South Vietnamese counterparts (as was standard procedure), ground intelligence was unconfirmed, the weather was bad, helicopter and gunship support would be limited due to the anti-aircraft guns, and, as stated before, the enemy controlled the valley.

The last time friendly forces were in the valley was 1958. Beckwith choose to insert three teams comprised of American Special Forces troopers. Badolati was assigned to Team ROADRUNNER along with SFC Marcus Huston (Team Leader), SSGT Billy McKeith, MSGT Wiley Gray, SSGT Ron Terry and SSGT Cecil Hodgson. The mission quickly disintegrated. Team ESKIMO had to abort with one wounded. A woodcutter in the hills spotted Team CAPITOL and they were ambushed, losing four men and the other two were wounded. Team ROADRUNNER made initial contact with enemy forces at around 9:30 on 28 January and again at about 12:30. During the first volley of fire that afternoon Badolati was hit in the upper left arm, the bullet almost severing the arm. SFC Hodgson applied a tourniquet while the team was still under fire.

The team then broke contact and moved about 600 yards, stopping to provide medical help to Badolati. They immediately came under fire. The team then split into two groups to evade the pursuing enemy. Gray, Hodgson and Terry evaded the ambush site in a different direction from Badolati, Huston and McKeith. The group with Badolati tried to use the cover along the steep slopes and after dark used a streambed to hide their trail. Finally Badolati stated that he “could not go any further” and for them to leave him behind. Ignoring his plea, Huston and McKeith stopped in a concealed position two to three feet up the stream bank. Despite constant medical attention to Badolati’s mangled arm, his condition continued to deteriorate. He died in the early morning hours of 29 January 1966.

The remaining team members were forced to leave Badolati’s body hidden in the boulders and scrubs with the hope to recover it with a Search and Rescue (SAR) team. The two survivors successfully evaded and were recovered later by helicopter. According to Homecoming II records, Gray, Hodgson and Terry successfully evaded the rest of that day and then settled into a hiding place for the night. At first light on the 29th, the three men began moving again and did not make contact with the enemy until 4:30 that afternoon. All three were lying in elephant grass when they saw seven Viet Cong soldiers standing four feet to the right and rear of them. They opened fire, killing three of the seven.

Shortly thereafter, Gray heard Terry yell that he had been hit and saw him holding his right side. Suddenly Terry’s body arched as another bullet struck him, it was obvious this second bullet killed Terry. Gray could not locate Hodgson and decided to move roughly 20 feet to a more defendable position and waited in ambush for the enemy. A little later Gray heard both enemy and Hodgson’s weapons being discharged, then silence. Gray continued to evade the enemy and was recovered the next day by helicopter. Charging Charlie was wounded on the fire support mission and left Project Delta the next week. Of the seventeen men who went into the An Lao Valley seven were killed and three wounded.

SP4 Gary Wayne Ball : US Army - Walpole NH

March 25, 1948 - July 16, 1968

Vietnam War Memorial Wall - Panel W52 - Gary Wayne Ball Walpole NH

SP4 Glendon Roman Barnett: US Army - Jaffrey NH     March 19, 1944 - June 14, 1967  

SGT James B Bartlett: US Army -  Portsmouth NH           April 6, 1942 - July 2, 1966

James B Bartlett Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Gaetan Jean Guy Beaudoin: US Army - Manchester NH September 5, 1948 - August 26, 1969

Gaetan Jean Guy Beaudoin Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Gilbert Thomas Beaupre: US Army - Manchester NH April 3, 1943 - October 25, 1967

2nd Leutenant Michael E Bennett: US Army - Brentwood NH April 15, 1946 - November 2, 1967

Sergeant Guy Andre Blanchette: US Army - Manchester NH  November 30, 1046 - August 26, 1969

Guy Andre Blanchette Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Guy Andre Blanchette Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Lawrence Clifford Bloom : US Army - Exeter NH  March 28, 1947 - January 26, 1968

Sgt Lawrence Clifford Bloom - Exeter NH Vietnam Casualty
Sgt Lawrence Clifford Bloom - Exeter NH Vietnam Casualty

Corporal Richard George Bouchard: US Marines - Manchester NH:  July 17, 1947 - September 19, 1969

Richard George Bouchard Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Michael Ervan Brady: US Army - Newport NH -

January 1, 1946 - January 28, 1967

Michael Ervan Brady Newport NH Vietnam War Casualty
Michael Ervan Brady Newport NH Vietnam War Casualty
Michael Ervan Brady Newport NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Richard Albert Brooks: US Marines - Pittsfield NH - August 3, 1947 - April 25, 1968

Richard Albert Brooks Pittsfield NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Albert Brooks Pittsfield NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Albert Brooks Pittsfield NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel E-52Richard Albert Brooks Line 9 Pittsfield NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Cecil Angus Broome Jr. : US Army - Lancaster NH - September 5, 1933 - May 26, 1966

Cecil Angus Broome Jr Lancaster NH Vietnam War Casualty
Cecil Angus Broome Jr Lancaster NH Vietnam War Casualty
Cecil Angus Broome Jr Lancaster NH Vietnam War Casualty

1st Leut. Bruce Wadleigh Brown: US Army - Hampton NH - February 13, 1945 - September 12, 1968

Bruce Wadleigh Brown Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Bruce Wadleigh Brown Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Bruce Wadleigh Brown Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-44Bruce Wadleigh Brown Line 35 Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC James Warren Brown: US Army - Campton NH -       July 16, 1946 - March 13, 1966

James Warren Brown Campton NH Vietnam War Casualty
James Warren Brown Campton NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Mark Lawrence Brown : US Army - Hampton NH -   April 19, 1950 - September 27, 1969

Mark Lawrence Brown Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Mark Lawrence Brown Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Warren Richard  Brown: US Army - Nashua NH -   May 18, 1947 - February 22, 1968

Warren Richard Brown Nashua NH Vietnam Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-40 Warren Richard Brown Line 58 Nashua NH

SP4 David Elvin Bunker: US Army - Kingston NH - November 8, 1946 - November 13,1967

David Elvin Bunker Kingston NH Vietnam War Casualty
David Elvin Bunker Kingston NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-29 David Allan Bunker Line 87 Kingston NH

Colonel Sheldon John Burnett:  US Army - Pelham, New Hampshire - June 9, 1931 - May 29, 1979

Colonel Sheldon John Burnett Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Colonel Sheldon John Burnett Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Colonel Sheldon John Burnett Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty

Captain John Bishop Cabana Jr: US Air Force - New Castle NH  September 22, 1939 - March 29, 1967

John Bishop Cabana New Castle NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Bishop Cabana New Castle NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant George Eugene Cahill: US Marine Corps - Rochester NH  February 13, 1938 - August 29, 1967

SSGT George Eugene Cahill Vietnam War Casualty Rochester NH
SSGT George Eugene Cahill Vietnam War Casualty Rochester NH

Lance Corporal Paul Joseph Camire: US Marine Corps - Exeter NH  November 7, 1946 - May 25, 1967

Paul the son of William P. Camire and Lillian B. Camire of Exeter NH enlisted in the US Marine Corps on February 24 1966 in Manchester NH. In Vietnam he was serving with Company G, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines, 3d MARDIV (Rein) FMF.

On May 27, during Operation CUMBERLAND, Company G was under the OPCON (Operational Control) of the 3d Battalion, 26th Marines, patrolling in the vicinity of Thon Khe Buy northwest of Nam Hoa in Thua Thien Province when an artillery round fired in support of friendly forces fell short of its designated target. The explosion resulted in the death of LCpl Camire as a result of multiple fragmentation wounds.

Paul Joseph Camire - Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty
Paul Joseph Camire - Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Frank Lee Cass: US Army - Plymouth NH  November 1, 1951 - March 11, 1971

Frank Lee Cass Plymouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Frank Lee Cass Plymouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Frank Lee Cass Plymouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Frank Lee Cass Plymouth/Ashland NH Vietnam War Casualty
Frank Lee Cass Plymouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Robert Sheehan Castelot: US Marine Corps - Hillsborough NH  January 21, 1948 - June 11, 1968

Robert Sheehan Castelot Hillsborough NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Sheehan Castelot Hillsborough NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Castelot Hillsborough NH Vietnam War Honor Roll
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-58 Robert Castelot Line 22 Hillsborough NH Vietnam War Honor Roll

Sergeant William Earl Cate: US Marine Corps - Hillsborough NH  October 4, 1936 - September 15, 1966

William Earle Cate Hillsborough NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Earle Cate Hillsborough NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Howard Arthur Chamberlin: US Marine Corps - Brookfield NH  January 10, 1947 - September 12, 1967

Howard Arthur Chamberlin Brookfield NH Vietnam War Casualty
Howard Arthur Chamberlin Brookfield NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Arthur Edward Clough: US Marine Corps - Grantham NH  March 18, 1950 - February 18, 1970

Arthur Edward Clough Grantham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Arthur Edward Clough Grantham NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Ronald Raymond Cormier: US Marine Corps - Portsmouth NH  April 8, 1948 - April 21, 1967

Ronald Raymond Cormier Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

Warrant Officer Martin James Coronis: US Army - Nashua NH  December 6, 1942 - July 11, 1967

Martin James Coronis Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Martin James Coronis Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Martin James Coronis Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Ralph Ronald Cummings: US Marine Corps - Portsmouth NH  February 13, 1951 - March 18, 1971

Ralph Ronald Cummings Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ralph Ronald Cummings Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ralph Ronald Cummings Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

PO2 William Stanley Cutting: US Navy - Lebanon NH  October 29, 1944 - April 1, 1968

William Stanley Cutting NH Vietnam War Casualty Lebanon NH
William Stanley Cutting NH Vietnam War Casualty Lebanon NH
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-47 William Stanley Cutting Lebanon NH

SFC George Lewis Dale: US Army - Gorham NH  July 4, 1941 - May 6, 1968

George Louis Dale - Vietnam War Casualty - Gorham New Hampshire
George Louis Dale - Vietnam War Casualty - Gorham New Hampshire
George Louis Dale - Vietnam War Casualty - Gorham New Hampshire
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-56 George Louis Dale Gorham NH

1st Lieutenant Raymond Coyle Daley: US Marine Corps - Dover NH  November 30, 1943 - July 3, 1968

Raymond Coyle Daley Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond Coyle Daley Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond Coyle Daley Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall Panel W-54 Raymond Coyle Daley Line 41Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Ronald Charles Davis: US Army - New Boston NH  December 20, 1948 - January 23, 1970

Ronald Charles Davis New Boston NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ronald Charles Davis New Boston NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ronald Charles Davis New Boston NH Vietnam War Casualty Scenic Byway Marker
Ronald Charles Davis New Boston NH Vietnam War Casualty Purple Heart Marker

PFC William Thomas Davis: US Marine Corps - Holderness NH  July 18, 1949 - August 25, 1968

William Thomas Davis Holderness NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Thomas Davis Holderness NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall Panel W-46William Thomas Davis Line 13 Holderness NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Darwin James Delano: US Army - Hinsdale NH  March 23, 1947 - November 26, 1968

Darwin James Delano Hinsdale NH Vietnam War Casualty
Darwin James Delano Hinsdale NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall Panel W-38 Darwin James Delano Line 65 Hinsdale NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Arthur Emile Demers Jr. : US Marine Corps - Penacook NH  November 25, 1946 - July 2, 1967

Arthur Emile Demers Penacook NH Vietnam War Casualty
Arthur Emile Demers Penacook NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Richard Arthur Demers: US Marine Corps - Berlin NH  February 27, 1947 - October 16, 1967

Corporal Richard Arthur Demers Berlin NH Vietnam Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-28 Richard Arthur Demers  Line 14Berlin NH

 Warrant Officer Richard Terrance Derosier: US Army - Claremont NH  July 10, 1940 - January 3, 1970

Richard Terrance Derosier Claremont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Terrance Derosier Claremont NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Maurice Claude Descoteaux: US Army - Berlin NH  February 9, 1930 - August 19, 1967

Maurice Claude Descoteaux Berlin NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC George Philip Desmarais: US Marines - Concord NH  July 24, 1949 - March 28, 1968

George Phillip Desmarais Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
George Phillip Desmarais Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
George Phillip Desmarais Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

1st Lieutenant Charles Joseph Dickey: US Army - Lancaster NH  October 9, 1941 - July 7, 1968

Charles Joseph Dickey Lancaster NH Vietnam War Casualty
Charles Joseph Dickey Lancaster NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-53 Charles Joseph Dickey Line 33 Lancaster Nh Vietnam War Casualty
Lancaster NH Vietnam War Honor Roll - Charles Joseph Dickey

HR Robert Paul Dionne: US Army - Manchester NH  April 2, 1943 - July 14, 1965

Robert Paul Dionne Manchester New Hampshire Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Leon Normand Doucet: US Marine Corps - Manchester NH  September 8, 1945 - February 5, 1967

Leon Normand Doucet Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Leon Normand Doucet Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC William Raymond Douillette Jr. : US Army - Concord NH  October 20, 1950 - January 29, 1969

William Raymond Douillette Concord NH Vietnam Casualty
William Raymond Douillette Concord NH Vietnam Casualty
William Raymond Douillette Concord NH Vietnam Casualty

Master Sergeant Lawrence Normond Dubia: US Marine Corps - Tilton NH  July 3, 1934 - February 4, 1970

Lawrence Normond Dubia Tilton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Lawrence Normond Dubia Tilton NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Josephn Agustus Durling III: US Marines - Derry NH  March 3, 1949 - September 7, 1967

PFC Joseph Agustus Durling III Derry NH Vietnam Casualty
PFC Joseph Agustus Durling III Derry NH Vietnam, Casualty

CWO Orrin Leonard Dyer Jr.: US Army - Rumney NH  July 1, 1929 - February 3, 1968

Orrin Leonard Dyer Jr Rumney NH Vietnam War Casualty
Orrin Leonard Dyer Jr Rumney NH Vietnam War Casualty
Orrin Leonard Dyer Jr Rumney NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall Panel E-37 Orrin Leonard Dyer JrLine 6  Rumney NH Vietnam War Casualty
Orrin Leonard Dyer Jr Rumney NH Vietnam War Casualty Rumney Vietnam War Honor Roll

PSGT Robert Bennett Emro: US Army - Strafford NH  October 27, 1929 - April 18, 1967

Robert Bennett Emro Strafford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Bennett Emro Strafford NH Vietnam War Casualty

Captain John Paul Falcone Jr. : US Army - Hampton NH  October 28, 1939 - November 11, 1967

John Paul Falcone Jr Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Paul Falcone Jr Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Paul Falcone Jr Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Paul Falcone Jr Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty

Captain William Newcomer Feaster (Chaplain): US Army - Portsmouth NH  May 14, 1938 - October 26, 1966

William Newcomer Feaster Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Newcomer Feaster Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

Private Ralph Barnard Fecteau Jr. : US Marine Corps - Cornish NH  December 6, 1947 - May 3, 1968

Ralph Bernard Fecteau Jt Cornish NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ralph Bernard Fecteau Jt Cornish NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Robert Edward Finan: US Marine Corps - Claremont NH  July 5, 1949 - December 16, 1969

Robert Edward Finan Claremont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Edward Finan Claremont NH Vietnam War Casualty

SFC James Norman Finn: US Army - Salem NH  June 6, 1931 - December 4, 1966

James Norman Finn Salem NH Vietnam War Casualty
James Norman Finn Salem NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant George Francis Flanagan: US Marine Corps - Nashua NH  September 12, 1938 - January 4, 1968

George Francis Flanagan Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
George Francis Flanagan Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Peter Fletcher: US Marine Corps - Hudson NH  September 21, 1946 - January 20, 1969

Peter Fletcher Hudson NH Vietnam War Casualty
Peter Fletcher Hudson NH Vietnam War Casualty
Peter Fletcher Hudson NH Vietnam War Casualty

Warrant Officer Marshall H Ford: US Army - Marlborough NH  April 10, 1945 - January 7, 1968 / Panel 33E Line 67

Marshall H Ford Marlborough NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-33 Marshall Ford Line 67 Marlborough NH

Corporal William George Frasier: US Marines - Manchester NH  February 4, 1947 - December 28, 1967

William George Frasier Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
William George Frasier Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
William George Frasier Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
William George Frasier Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP5 Edward Francis Fratus : US Army - Concord NH  February 17, 1949 - December 9, 1969

Edward Francis Fratus Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Edward Francis Fratus Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Gerald James Frost: US Army - Dover NH  December 9, 1947 - June 8, 1968

Gerald James Frost Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Gerald James Frost Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-58Gerald James Frost Line 2 Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Robert Gene Galbreath: US Army - Winchester NH  March 25, 1952 - February 25, 1972

Robert Gene Galbreath Winchester NH Vietnam Casualty

PFC Ernest Ulric Gamelin Jr. : US Army - Suncook NH  November 3, 1948 - December 23, 1968

Ernest Ulrich Gamelin Suncook NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ernest Ulrich Gamelin Suncook NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall Panel W-40 Ernest Ulrich Gamelin Line 24Suncook NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lieutenant Colonel Richard Owen Ganley: US Air Force - Keene NH  September 22, 1940 - June 29, 1978

Richard Owen Ganley Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Owen Ganley Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC DavidErnest Gardner: US Army - Walpole NH  May 29, 1948 - December 11, 1968

David Ernest Gardner Walpole NH Vietnam War Casualty
David Ernest Gardner Walpole NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall - Panel W-36 David Ernest Gardner Line 2 Walpole NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Robert Louis Gardner: US Army - Nashua NH  July 1, 1922 - June 13, 1962

Robert Louis Gardner Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Louis Gardner Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

Petty Officer 3 Thomas Wilfred Gaudet: US Navy - Salem NH  July 20, 1947 - April 21, 1969

Thomas Wilfred Gaudet Salem NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Wilfred Gaudet Salem NH Vietnam War Casualty

1st Lieutenant Michael LewisGeister : US Army - Rye NH             Feb 17, 1946 - March 16. 1960

Michael Geister Rye NH Vietnam War Casualty

Chief Warrant Officer Joseph Armand Roger Gelinas: US Army - Manchester NH  January 3, 1928 - October 11, 1967

Joseph Armand Roger Gelinas Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Joseph Armand Roger Gelinas Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Richard Edgar Genest: US Army - Manchester NH  August 7, 1945 - August 26, 1969

Richard Edgar Genest Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Edgar Genest Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Edgar Genest Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Edgar Genest Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Yvon Eldmond Girouard: US Marine Corps-Littleton NH  April 1, 1949 - May 23, 1969

PFC Yvon Eldmond Girouard Littleton NH Vietnam Casualty

Sergeant Richard Gerald Godbout: US Army - Manchester NH  January 11, 1948 - December 30, 1967

Richard Gerals Godbout Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Gerals Godbout Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Warrant Officer Barry William Godfrey: US Army - Pelham NH  February 10, 1950 - August 25, 1970

Barry William Godfrey Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Barry William Godfrey Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Verne Milton Greeley: US Marine Corps - Derry NH  September  11, 1947 - July 6, 1967

Nephew to State Senator Jack Barnes - Sponsor of SB-182 to Establish the NH State Veterans Cemetery. 

PFC Verne Milton Greeley - Vietnam War Casualty from Derry NH
PFC Verne Milton Greeley - Vietnam Casualty from Derry NH

Petty Officer 2 -  Eliot Franklin Guild: US Marine Corps - Winchester NH  September 16, 1946 - January 20, 1968

Eliot Franklin Guild Winchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

 On 01 Nov 1967 the 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines were based at the C-2 Bridge but were responsible for securing an area which included the road linking Con Thien (Hill 158) and Cam Lo. India Company was positioned west-southwest of the C-2 Bridge itself. At noontime India 3/3 spotted 15 North Vietnamese soldiers moving toward Thon Bai An, a largely destroyed hamlet about 4 kilometers south of Con Thien. The Marines moved forward and established an ambush. By 1230 India was in contact with what appeared to be a reinforced NVA platoon. Air and artillery support was called in, and Lima 3/3 was sent to help. Lima moved through India's positions and engaged the NVA in the village itself. By 1600 contact had been broken; the surviving NVA had withdrawn to the northwest and the Marines to the C-2 Bridge area. Six Marines and one Navy Corpsman had been killed in the fight; one Marine was missing; and 32 others were wounded, some seriously. The following day the India Marines returned to the contact area and recovered the body of the missing Marine as well as the bodies of 12 North Vietnamese soldiers. Almost three months later, on 20 Jan 1968, the cost of the fight increased: Navy Corpsman Eliot Guild, wounded on 01 Nov, died of his injuries.

Eliot Franklin Guild Winchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Eliot Franklin Guild Winchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Eliot Franklin Guild Winchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Robert Frederick Haines: US Army - Loudon NH  December 21, 1942 - August 27, 1967

Robert Frederick Haines Loudon NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Frederick Haines Loudon NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Frederick Haines Loudon NH Vietnam War Casualty - NH State Veterans Cemetery - Section 6 - Row 0

A1C Richard Lee Halgren : US Air Force - Nashua NH  June 4, 1946 - September 24, 1968

Richard Lee Halgren Vietnam War Casualty Nashua New Hampshire
Richard Lee Halgren Vietnam War Casualty Nashua New Hampshire

Staff Sergeant Kenneth Robert Hall: US Marine Corps - Keene NH  May 28, 1935 - April 24, 1966

Kenneth Robert Hall Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty
Kenneth Robert Hall Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Walter Hall: US Army - Nashua NH  June 17, 1926 - June 24, 1968

Lt Colonel Kenneth Walter Hall Nashua NH Vietnam Casualty
Lt Colonel Kenneth Walter Hall Nashua NH Vietnam Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel W-55 Kenneth W Hall Line 28 NashuaNH

Staff Sergeant Eugene Howard Harriman: US Army - West Franklin NH  February 13, 1936 - December 23, 1967

Eugene Howard Harriman - West Franklin NH Vietnam War Casualty
Eugene Howard Harriman - West Franklin NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Richard Kenefick Harvell: US Marine Corps - Bedford NH  December 17, 1947 - September 29, 1967

Richard Kenefick Harvell - Bedford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Kenefick Harvell - Bedford NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Yvon Andre Hebert: US Army - Stratford NH  October 2, 1946 - January 17, 1967

Yvon Andre Hebert Stratford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Yvon Andre Hebert Stratford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Yvon Andre Hebert Stratford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Yvon Andre Hebert Stratford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Yvon Andre Hebert Stratford NH Vietnam War Casualty

Master Gunnery Sergeant Carroll Franklin Hersey: US Marines - Wolfeboro NH  May 13, 1928 - May 18, 1969

Carroll Franklin Hersey Wolfeboro NH Vietnam War Casualty
Carroll Franklin Hersey Wolfeboro NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 David Wayne Hildreth: US Army - Warren NH  September 19, 1949 - April 14, 1969

David Wayne Hildreth Warren NH Vietnam War Casualty
David Wayne Hildreth Warren NH Vietnam War Casualty
David Wayne Hildreth Warren NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Barry Malcolm Hillsgrove - US Army - Dover NH    February 22, 1947 - March 30, 1968


Barry Malcolm Hillsgrove Vietnam Casualty Dover New Hampshire
Barry Malcolm Hillsgrove Vietnam Casualty Dover New Hampshire
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-47 Barry M Hillsgrove Dover NH

1st Lieutenant John Lawrence Hogan: US Army - Exeter NH  December 29, 1947 - March 28, 1971

John Lawrence Hogan Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Lawrence Hogan Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Ralph Arthur Howard: US Army - Hillsborough NH  August 13, 1948 - February 10, 1970

Ralph Arthur Howard Hillsborough NH Vietnam Casualty
Ralph Arthur Howard Hillsborough NH Vietnam Casualty

PFC Jay Allen Hurd: US Army - Laconia NH  January 18, 1947 - September 1, 1966

Jay Allen Hurd Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Jay Allen Hurd Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Frank Alan Indyk: US Army - Raymond NH  June 22, 1949 - December 15, 1967

Frank Alan Indyk Raymond NH Vietnam War Casualty
Frank Alan Indyk Raymond NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Stephen Dyer Jewett: US Marines - East Andover NH  December 14, 1942 - December 27, 1965

Stephen Dyer Jewett East Andover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Stephen Dyer Jewett East Andover NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Richard Bruce Johnston: US Army - Candia NH  January 11, 1946 - June 22, 1967

Richard Bruce Johnston Candia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Bruce Johnston Candia NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Kenneth Bradley Jordan: US Marines - Twin Mountain NH  March 25, 1948 - March 27, 1967

Kenneth Bradley Jordan Twin Mountain Nh Vietnam Casualty

The Kenneth Bradley Jordan Memorial Bridge

By Jeff Woodburn

Each spring, the North Country comes alive. Few are more ready for this change than high school seniors, who are edging toward graduation, freedom and adulthood. In May of 1966, three Whitefield high school buddies - David Glidden, Butch Rexford and Ken Jordan - missed a day of school to go to Concord. It was a place they had likely never been before. The one-hundred mile trek south to Concord was a long trip back then. The U.S. Marine recruiter, who drove them, would have followed Route 3 through a dozen or so towns before reaching the highway, and, this, would have given them plenty of time to think about their future or at least weigh the ramifications of their decision to go to war. "We understood the risks," Glidden said, "We figured it was our duty." After a battery of tests, it became clear one of them was not going. Rexford was deemed ineligible to serve because of a health condition. In January, after basic training, Glidden and Jordan were off to Vietnam and on Easter Sunday, the day after his 19th birthday, Jordan stepped on a land mine and died two days later.

Kenneth Bradley Jordan had always wanted to be a Marine. His mother, Olga, better known as Gay, had been a marine in World War Two, and his father, Maurice, who everyone called "Bud," served in the army. The Jordan's owned a Sunoco gas station and a few tourist cabins along Route 3 just south of the Route 302 intersection in Twin Mountain. Bill Houghton, a neighbor of the Jordans, remembers an occasion when he was home on leave from Korea. He was sporting his Marine uniform, when young Jordan, who was 7-8 years old at the time, approached him with the news that he too was going to be a marine someday.

Growing up, Jordan seemed wise and mature beyond his age. Mary Young, his teacher and neighbor, recalls a junior high school field trip to Cannon Mountain that turned problematic when the single chaperon suffered a concussion. Young was forced to take the adult to the hospital and left Jordan in charge giving him the key to the Twin Mountain School. "He was nice," she said, "always smiling." At Ninth grade, Twin Mountain students transferred to Whitefield High School, where local students had formed bounds over eight years of schooling. But Jordan, with a warm personality quickly made new friends and became a popular addition to his new school. Rexford and Jordan became fast friends enjoying their time in the woods together."He was the best friend I ever had," said Rexford, "He went out of his way to help others...always focused on others."

Jordan's personality was not only infectious, but his interest and abilities seemed all inclusive. He was a skilled athlete -- playing baseball, basketball and running track. He was also active in the Boy Scouts and theatre. In a very short time, he won the loyalty of his classmates by being chosen President of his class, a rare fete for non-Whitefield resident. His high school noted that he was chosen by his classmates as both the most energetic and cooperative student.

Between basic training and leaving for Vietnam, Jordan returned home to the North Country for a twenty day furlough. While visiting with his friend and fellow classmate, David Astle, Jordan made a strange, yet prophetic announcement. "Ken told me, 'I'm not coming back,' Astle said. Such a statement was not uncommon, warns Glidden, who said, he'd probably said the same thing himself. He attributed it to the aggressive training and preparation to get men ready for combat. "It was complete harassment one-hundred percent of the time," he said of the training, but even that wasn't adequate preparation for the horrors of Vietnam.

It could have been more too. This war was not going well, the enemy's guerilla warfare proved difficult to penetrate, our own political resolve was beginning to weaken and, by 1967, the casualties were ticking up rapidly. Tom Gage, then Whitefield's police chief and Korean War veteran, caught the growing distinction between World War Two and other wars, when he said, "Vietnam, like Korea, wasn't a favorite for anybody." One of the regular tasks of the Marines was to continue to capture enemy territory. "The Marine's always go in first," Glidden added. "It was a very delicate" task that they called "wipe-ing" he said, "The foliage was thick, jungle like" and you had to be alert to enemy attack as well as the presence of landmines. The key was to be totally attentive to your surroundings, and "only step in untouched soil." He credits his years in the woods hunting with saving him from death, but in the final analysis it was more about fate than anything else.

On his sixty-eighth day in Vietnam, Jordan was somewhere in South Vietnam penetrating enemy grounds, when his foot hit a six inch box landmine. The injuries were severe, but he lingered for two days in a hospital before dying. Glidden, who was in North Vietnam at the time, got the news of his friend's death from his squad leader. He was told that it was his job to escort Jordan's body home to New Hampshire. "I couldn't believe Kenny was gone," he said, "Until this day, I still don't."

Small towns experience and feel pain more broadly than most places probably because there is no refuge from it. Everyone knows, and cares. This was especially true with the news of the death of young Kenny Jordan fanned out across the North Country. Jordan's friends remember exactly where they were when they learned the fateful news, and the accompanying sense of shock and disbelief. Jordan's parents personally informed their son's closest friends and asked them to be honorary pall-bearers for his funeral. "The whole town was in a state of shock. It brought the war home in a very personal way." Rexford, one of the pall-bearers, said, "I was angry, but I never doubted the rightness of the war." Astle, who was also a pall-bearers, said the "area took it pretty hard. He was one person that it shouldn't have happened to." The reach of this tragedy touched many people, well beyond his immediate peers. Steve Canton, who was a few years younger, had long admired Jordan. "It hit me real, real hard," he said, "I remember my mother calling up to me and telling me the news." A few years later, Canton himself joined the Marines and went off to Vietnam and, he said, "The basic reason was because of Kenny."

Jordan was laid to rest with a full military funeral at Twin Mountain's St. Patrick's Church. Over 500 mourners - nearly twice the town's population - filled the stone church and spilled outside.

Even today, some forty-two years later, the reaction of a dozen or so of Jordan's friends follow a similar pattern. First, there is caution and a measured restraint holding back a flood of emotions, and in time, the personal stories slip out as a reminder that a person's life is measured not by how they die, but how they lived. The stories often describe tender moments of kindness and selflessness that rarely mark an adolescent males developing personality. The pain of the fateful news still haunts them and, for some, it was an abrupt end of innocence that seemed to mark their idyllic childhood. Others are bitter. Glidden, the young man that enlisted with him and escorted his body home, said, "Kenny lost his life for nothing," while noting that U.S. pulled out of Vietnam and achieved none of its original objectives.

In 2004, Canton, then a supervisor at the state's Department of Transportation, couldn't shake the feeling that his fallen friend deserved some kind of a memorial. Then it hit him that a proper tribute would be to name one of Twin Mountain's bridges. So, after several months of building broad community support, legislation was filed to dedicate an un-named bridge that spans the Ammonoosuc River along Route 3. Today, the Kenneth Bradley Jordan Bridge stands within eye shot of the church where his funeral was held and a short distance from his childhood home and the cemetery where he was interred. And, although Route 3 has been reconstructed - raised, widened and straightened - it is the same route that took the three young men to Concord in the spring of 1966, full of dreams of the future and also took one of them home much too soon.

HN (Hospitalman) William Arthur Joy: US Marines - Manchester NH  December 3, 1947 - August 11, 1968

William Arthur Joy Manchester NH Vietnam Casualty
William Arthur Joy Manchester NH Vietnam Casualty
William Arthur Joy Manchester NH Vietnam Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-49 William Arthur Joy Line 48 Manchester NH Vietnam Casualty

Lance Corporal William Clyde Joy: US Marines - Epsom NH  August 15, 1950 - September 17, 1969

William Clyde Joy - Epsom NH Vietnam Casualty
William Clyde Joy - Epsom NH Vietnam Casualty

Private George Edward Joyce: US Army - Portsmouth NH  September 15, 1943 - December 5, 1965

George Edward Joyce Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
George Edward Joyce Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

1st Lieutenant Howard Walker Kaiser: US Air Force - Chesterfield NH  March 25, 1941 - September 13, 1966

Howard Walker Kaiser Chesterfield NH Vietnam War Casualty

Petty Officer 3 Ronald Norman Keller: US Navy - Exeter NH  February 16, 1948 - February  9, 1968

Ronald Norman Keller - Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ronald Norman Keller - Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall Panel; E-38 Ronald Norman Keller  Line 53 Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty

1st Lieutenant Verne Carl Kelley: US Army - East Barrington NH  February 14, 1942 - February 12, 1969

Verne Carl Kelley East Barrington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Verne Carl Kelley East Barrington NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Benjamin Albert Kenison: US Marine Corps - Jefferson NH  April 2, 1946 - September 16, 1966

Benjamin Albert Kenison Jefferson NH Vietnam Casualty
Benjamin Albert Kenison Jefferson NH Vietnam Casualty
Benjamin Albert Kenison Jefferson NH Vietnam Casualty

PFC Stanley Roy Kilton Jr. : US Marine Corps - Manchester NH  March 25, 1948 - June 28, 1968

Stanley Roy Kilton Jr Manchester NH Vietnam Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel W-54 Stanley Roy Kilton Line 12 Manchester NH

SP4 Edward George Kiluk Jr. : US Army - Pelham NH  January 16, 1949 - July 24, 1970

Edward George Kiluk Jr. Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Edward George Kiluk Jr. Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Robert Luis Knight Jr. : US Army - Bennington NH  May 9, 1948 - April 11, 1969

Robert Louis Knight Jr. Bennington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Louis Knight Jr. Bennington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Louis Knight Jr. Bennington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Louis Knight Jr. Bennington NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Czeslaw Kowalczyk: US Army - Nashua NH  March 3, 1926 - December 5, 1965

Czeslaw Kowalczyk Nashua NH Vietnam Casualty
Czeslaw Kowalczyk Nashua NH Vietnam Casualty Clipping

Chief Warrant Officer David Alan Kreitzer: US Army - Laconia NH  April 20, 1946 - December 2, 1967

David Alan Kreizer Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-31 Davis Alan Kreitzer Line 24 Laconia NH

Captain Roland Charles Labonte: US Army - Nashua NH  July 28, 1935 - April 19, 1969

Ronald Charles Labonte Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ronald Charles Labonte Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ronald Charles Labonte Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Russell Thomas La Fave: US Army - Manchester NH  August 13, 1951 - April 1, 1970

Russell Thomas La Fave Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Russell Thomas La Fave Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Private Ernest Albert Laroche: US Marines - West Franklin NH  April 17, 1947 - February 26, 1966

Ernest Albert Laroche West Franklin NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ernest Albert Laroche West Franklin NH Vietnam War Casualty

Major John Winslow Lawrence Jr. : US Army - Farmington NH  January 22, 1938 - September 16, 1971

John Winslow Lawrence Jr Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Winslow Lawrence Jr Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Winslow Lawrence Jr Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Winslow Lawrence Jr Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty

FARMINGTON — The Route 153 bridge over the Cocheco River in Farmington has been renamed in honor of two-time Silver Star recipient and Vietnam War veteran John Winslow Lawrence Jr.

Gov. Chris Sununu signed the bill dedicating the bridge in Lawrence’s honor, House Bill 1278, during a signing ceremony in Concord on Monday morning. The honor is a posthumous one, as the Army major and Farmington native was killed at the age of 33 during his second tour in Vietnam in 1971.

"We owe our veterans a great debt of gratitude," Sununu said in a written statement. "Major Lawrence served his state and his nation with honor and distinction, and I couldn't think of anything more fitting than to forever memorialize his sacrifice in his hometown of Farmington."

Lawrence was a captain when he received his first Silver Star. As a part of Operation Cedar Falls during his first tour in 1967, the 1956 Farmington High School graduate earned the honor for single-handedly capturing a substantial weapons cache, according to his obituary.

The second Silver Star was awarded posthumously following Lawrence’s second tour. In 1971, Lawrence was killed while leading an ad hoc rescue unit that was ambushed during its efforts to save another ambushed unit. According to his obituary, Lawrence was instrumental in leading the ultimately successful counterattack before he was killed by the ambushing Viet Cong forces.

State Rep. Herbert Richardson, R-Lancaster, was the primary sponsor of HB 1278, which also named a Colebrook rest stop in honor of Frederick W. King Sr. 

2nd Lieutenant Daniel Michael Leahy: US Army - Manchester NH  October 23, 1945 - April 19, 1969

Daniel Michael Leahy Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Daniel Michael Leahy Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

1st Lieutenant John F Lee: US Army - Newport NH  January 29, 1941 - July 6, 1966

John F Lee New Port NH Vietnam War Casualty
John F Lee New Port NH Vietnam War Casualty
John F Lee New Port NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Paul Raymond Le Houllier: US Marine Corps - Somersworth NH  September 26, 1947 - April 5, 1969

Paul; Raymond Lew Hollier Somersworth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Paul; Raymond Lew Hollier Somersworth NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Gregory A Leighton: US Army - Exeter NH  December 4, 1943 - September 6, 1966

Gregory A Leighton Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty
Gregory A Leighton Exeter NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Richard Edward Letendre: US Army - Nashua NH  October 30, 1948 - October 5, 1968

Richard Edward Letendre Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Edward Letendre Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Edward Letendre Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-41 Richard Edward Letendre Line 13 Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal William Nicholas Loomis: US Marine Corps - Salem NH  January 15, 1949 - September 13, 1967

William Nicholas Loomis Salem NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Nicholas Loomis Salem NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Dennis Franklin Lorden: US Army - Nashua NH  September 21, 1948 - July 14, 1969

Dennis Franklin Lorden Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Dennis Franklin Lorden Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Norman Gerard Lozeau: US Army - Manchester NH  April 27, 1947 - March 9, 1967

Norman Gerad Lozeau Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Norman Gerad Lozeau Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant William Arthur Malenfant: US Army - Nashua NH  October 27, 1947 - January 15, 1971

William Arthur Malenfant Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Arthur Malenfant Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Arthur Malenfant Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Arthur Malenfant Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Arthur Malenfant Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Robert Bernard Mann: US Army - Salem NH  July 2, 1944 - July 11, 1966

Robert Bernard Mann Salem NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Bernard Mann Salem NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Andre Edward Marcotte: US Marine Corps - Rye NH  December 6, 1948 - July 1, 1967

Andre Edward Marcotte Rye NH Vietnam War Casualty
Andre Edward Marcotte Rye NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Sotorios Milton Margaritis: US Marine Corps - Raymond NH  September 1, 1946 - August 8, 1967

Sotorios Milton Maragritis Vietnam Casualty Raymond New Hampshire

Lance Corporal Dennis Hardie Marshall: US Marine Corps - Lisbon NH  July 17, 1946 - September 7, 1967

Dennis Hardie Marshall Lisbon NH Vietnam War Casualty
Dennis Hardie Marshall Lisbon NH Vietnam War Casualty
Dennis Hardie Marshall Lisbon NH Vietnam War Casualty

Major Lawrence Jay Marshall: US Air Force - Manchester NH  January 28, 1929 - December 27, 1972

Lawrence Jay Marshall Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Lawrence Jay Marshall Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Normand Richard Martel: US Marine Corps - Manchester NH  April 26, 1945 - May 3, 1967

Normand Richard Martel Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Normand Richard Martel Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Captain Steven Wayne Martin: US Marine Corps - Wolfeboro NH  November 2, 1943 - October 11, 1968

Steven Wayne Martin Wolfeboro NH Vietnam War Casualty
Steven Wayne Martin Wolfeboro NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-41Steven Wayne Martin Line - 48 Wolfeboro NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Roger James McAllister Jr.: US Army - Milford NH  September 6, 1940 - May 9, 1965

Roger James McAllister Jr Milford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Roger James McAllister Jr Milford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Roger James McAllister Jr Milford NH Vietnam War Casualty
Roger James McAllister Jr Milford NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Michael Thomas McGlone: US Army - Dover NH  February 13, 1950 - September 11, 1969

Michael Thomas McGlone - Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Michael Thomas McGlone - Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC John Winchester McGuire: US Army - Derry NH  November 4, 1943 - February 3, 1968

John Winchester McGuire Derry NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Winchester McGuire Derry NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Winchester McGuire Derry NH Vietnam War Casualty

Major James Patrick McKeon: US Air Force - Nashua NH  February 13, 1933 - February 13, 1969

James Patrick McKeon Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
James Patrick McKeon Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Thomas Michael: US Army - Dover NH  February 13, 1949 - March 28, 1969

Sergeant Thomas Michael Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Sergeant Thomas Michael Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty

Warrant Officer William Michael Miller: US Army - Keene NH  July 22, 1947 - September 15, 1968

William Michael Miller Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Michael Miller Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Larry Joseph Milot: US Marine Corps - Manchester NH  September 25, 1947 - April 2, 1968

Larry Joseph Milot Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Larry Joseph Milot Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Thomas Joseph Morrisey: US Marine Corps - Dover NH  August 22, 1948 - June  5, 1968

Thomas Morrissey Jr. - Dover New Hampshire Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Morrissey Jr. - Dover New Hampshire Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel W-60 Thomas Joseph Morrisey Line 20Dover NH

1st Lieutenant Peter Whitcomb Morrison: US Air Force - Laconia NH  December 29, 1942 - June 9, 1967

Peter Whitcomb Morrison Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Peter Whitcomb Morrison Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Peter Whitcomb Morrison Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Arthur C Mourtgis Jr.: US Army - Manchester NH  January 7, 1948 - May 15, 1967

Arthur C Mourtgis Jr Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Arthur C Mourtgis Jr Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

SFC Raymond C Mroczynski: US Army - Manchester NH  August 11, 1940 - February 26, 1969

Raymond C Mroczynski Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond C Mroczynski Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Walter Aleck Murzin: US Marine Corps - Concord NH  May 17, 1946 - October 2, 1966

Walter Alec Murzin Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Walter Alec Murzin Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Walter Alec Murzin Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Walter Alec Murzin Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Charles Edmond Muzzey: US Marine Corps - Enfield NH  July 23, 1947 - January 9, 1968

Charles Edmund Muzzey Enfield NH Vietnam War Casualty
Charles Edmund Muzzey Enfield NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC PaulErnest Nadeau: US Army - Manchester NH  April 19, 1932 - September 4, 1966

Paul Ernest Nadeau Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Paul Ernest Nadeau Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 ThomasDennis Nadeau: US Army - Nashua NH  December 27, 1948 - August 11, 1968

Thomas Dennis Nadeau Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Dennis Nadeau Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Dennis Nadeau Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Dennis Nadeau Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Dennis Nadeau Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-49 Thomas Dennis Nadeau Line 48 Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Leonard King Nute: US Army - Hudson NH  December 12, 1946 - May 25, 1967

Leonanrd King Nute Hudson NH Vietnam War Casualty
Leonanrd King Nute Hudson NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Ronald Leon Olson: US Army - Concord NH  March 20, 1949 - November 24, 1969

Ronald Leon Olson Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ronald Leon Olson Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 William Wayne O'Neil: US Army - Chesterfield NH  October 11, 1949 - January 21, 1970

William Wayne O.Neil Chesterfield NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Wayne O.Neil Chesterfield NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Wayne O.Neil Chesterfield NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Wayne O.Neil Chesterfield NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Thomas Philip O'Neil: US Marine Corps - Dover NH  April 16, 1942 - March 14, 1970

Thomas Philip O'Neill - Dover NH Vietnam Casualty

PFC Raymond Louis Paradis: US Army - Nashua NH  June 24, 1948 - May 9, 1970

Raymond Louis Paradis Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond Louis Paradis Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond Louis Paradis Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond Louis Paradis Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Ernest George Paul: US Marine Corps - Concord NH  June 10, 1943 - May 29, 1966

Ernest George Paul Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ernest George Paul Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant William Roy Pearson: US Air Force - Warner NH  April 18, 1951 - April 6, 1972

SGT William Roy Pearson - Warner NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Richard William Pelletier: US Army - Greenville NH  December 16, 1949 - March 24, 1969

Richard William Pellitier Greenville NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard William Pellitier Greenville NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard William Pellitier Greenville NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP5 David B Perreault: US Army - Franklin NH  June 18, 1946 - October 3, 1968

David B Perreault Franklin NH Vietnam War Casualty
David B Perreault Franklin NH Vietnam War Casualty

Private Steven Jay Philbrick: US Marine Corps - Hampton NH  October 4, 1949 - June 6, 1969

Steven Jay Philbrick Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Steven Jay Philbrick Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Steven Jay Philbrick Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Steven Jay Philbrick Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Jerry Dean Pillsbury : US Marine Corps- Grantham NH  January 17, 1947 - September 25, 1966

Jerry Dean Pillsbury Grantham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Jerry Dean Pillsbury Grantham NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Robert James Plourde: US Army - Laconia NH  February 2, 1949 - March 28, 1968

Robert James Plourde Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert James Plourde Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Virtnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-64 Robert James Plourde Line 14 Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Karl Dennis Porter: US Army - Manchester NH  June 16, 1951 - January 29, 1972

Karl Dennis Porter Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Karl Dennis Porter Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Karl Dennis Porter Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Richard Charles Porter: US Marine Corps - Hanover NH  September 28, 1949 - January 24, 1971

Richard Charles Porter Hanover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Charles Porter Hanover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Charles Porter Hanover NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Philip Avery Pratt: US Army - Fremont NH  April 20, 1948 - May 31, 1969

Philip Avery Pratt Fremont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Philip Avery Pratt Fremont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Philip Avery Pratt Fremont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Philip Avery Pratt Fremont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Philip Avery Pratt Fremont NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Wayne Thomas Provencher: US Army - Concord NH  June 19, 1949 - May 10, 1968

Wayne Thomas Provencher Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Wayne Thomas Provencher Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Lawrence Robert Raymond: US Marine Corps - Manchester NH  September 23, 1948 - March 24, 1968

Lawrence Robert Raymond  Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Lawrence Robert Raymond  Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

SFC Richard Paul Raymond: US Army - Manchester NH  December 5, 1941 - August 26, 1969

Richard Paul Raymond Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Richard Paul Raymond Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Joseph Andrew Rayno: US Army - Franklin NH  January 31, 1940 - December 29, 1966

Joseph Andrew Rayno Franklin NH Vietnam War Casualty
Joseph Andrew Rayno Franklin NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Michael P Ribich: US Army - Great Falls / Somersworth NH  November 8, 1947 - October 6, 1979

Michael P Ribich Somersworth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Michael P Ribich Somersworth NH Vietnam War Casualty

Petty Officer 3 George William Riordan: US Marine Corps - Dover NH  June 23, 1948 - March 14, 1968

George William Riordan Dover NH Vietnam Casualty
George William Riordan Dover NH Vietnam Casualty
George William Riordan Dover NH Vietnam Casualty Silver Star Award
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-44 George William Riordan Line 53 DoverNH

SP4 Richard Norman Rivard: US Army - Merrimack NH  June 10, 1946 - April 15, 1968

Richard Norman Rivard Merrimack New Hampshire Vietnam Casualty
Richard Norman Rivard Merrimack New Hampshire Vietnam Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-50 Richard Norman Rivard  Line 7Merrimack NH

Sergeant Ronald D Roach: US Army - Concord NH  September 25, 1947 - February 12, 1968

Donald R Roach Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Donald R Roach Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall Panel E-39 Donald R Roach Line 11 Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

SFC Edmund Edward Roberge: US Army - Manchester NH  July 3, 1932 - March 16, 1971

Edmund Edward Roberge Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Edmund Edward Roberge Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Roger Edward Robichaud: US Army - Manchester NH  July 1, 1945 - August 26, 1969

Roger Edward Robichard Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Roger Edward Robichard Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Wilfred Roland Robillard: US Army - Manchester NH  February 26, 1947 - October 10, 1965

Wilfred Rolland Robillard Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Wilfred Rolland Robillard Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant Joseph Robert Robinson: US Marine Corps - Dover NH  May 12, 1938 - March 28, 1967

SSGT Joseph Robert Robinson Dover NH Vietnam Casualty

SP4 Robert Quentin Roentsch: US Army - Walpople NH  February 14, 1946 - February 19, 1966

Robert Quentin Roentsch Walpole NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Quentin Roentsch Walpole NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Everett Porter Runnells: US Army - Concord NH  January 14, 1946 - August 27, 1966

Everett Porter Runnells Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Everett Porter Runnells Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

1st Lieutenant Alfred Bayard Russ: US Marines - Hancock NH  January 13, 1943 - January 13, 1968

Alfred Bayard Russ Hancock NH Vietnam War Casualty
Alfred Bayard Russ Hancock NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Thomas John Saltmarsh: US Army - Concord NH  February 19, 1949 - March 14, 1968

Thomas John Saltmarsh Concord NH Vietnam Casualty
Thomas John Saltmarsh Concord NH Vietnam Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-44 Thomas John Saltmarsh Line 53 Concord NH

1st Sergeant Bradley Elliott Sandford: US Army - Portsmouth NH  September 19, 1923 - December 27, 1970

Bradley Elliott Sandford Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Bradley Elliott Sandford Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Steven Craig Santy: US Marine Corps - Belmont NH  December 13, 1949 - July 14, 1968

Steven Craig Santy Belmont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Steven Craig Santy Belmont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-52 Steven Craig Santy Line 31 Belmont NH Vietnam War Casualty

Petty Officer 3 Ernest Eugene Sanville: US Navy - North Hinsdale NH  November 14, 1943 - August 31, 1968

Ernest Eugene Sanvill N Hinsdale NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ernest Eugene Sanvill N Hinsdale NH Vietnam War Casualty
Ernest Eugene Sanvill N Hinsdale NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-45 Ernest Eugene Sanville Line 16N Hinsdale NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Michael Jorn Saunders: US Army - Penacook NH  January 13, 1947 - December 10, 1967

Michael Jorn Saunders Penacook NH Vietnam Casualty
Michael Jorn Saunders Penacook NH Vietnam Casualty

Corporal James Everett Sawyer Jr. : US Army - Laconia NH  November 18, 1947 - June 44, 1969

Sergeant Robert William Sawyer: US Army - Manchester NH  April 4, 1949 - August 23, 1968

Robert William Sawyer Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert William Sawyer Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-47 Robert William Sawyer Line 53 Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Chief Warrant Officer James Edward Schunemann: US Army - Manchester NH  January 9, 1948 - March 20, 1970

James Edward Schunemann Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
James Edward Schunemann Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
James Edward Schunemann Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Robert Peter Scibilia: US Army - Nashua NH  MAY 9, 1948 - May 23, 1969

Robert Peter Scibilia Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Peter Scibilia Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Major John Senechek: US Army - Manchester NH  March 18, 1919 - September 16, 1971

Sgt Major Jophn Senechek Manchester NH Vietnam Casualty

Chief Warrant Officer Gerald Calvin Seybold: US Marine Corps - Concord NH  June 3, 1934 - April 28, 1971

Gerald Calvin Seybold Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Gerald Calvin Seybold Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lance Corporal Frank Joseph Sharek Jr. : US Marine Corps - Manchester NH  April 28, 1947 - July 23, 1968

Frank Joseph Sharek Jr Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Frank Joseph Sharek Jr Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-51 Frank Joseph Sharek Jr Line 51 Manchester New Hampshire Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Robert Ernest Shaw: US Marine Corps - North Hampton NH  October 10, 1947 - March 31, 1969

Robert Ernest Shaw North Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Ernest Shaw North Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Ernest Shaw North Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty

Gary Roy Smith SP4 - US Army Laconia NH :

February 22, 1949 - April 27, 1969

Gary Roy Smith - Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Gary Roy Smith Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty

Major Murray Lawrence Smith: US Air Force - Hampton Beach NH  May 23, 1933 - December 21, 1967

Murray Lawrence Smith Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Murray Lawrence Smith Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Murray Lawrence Smith Hampton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-32 Murray Lawrence Smith Line 40Hampton Beach NH

SP4 Douglas Stewart Souther Jr. : US Army - Seabrook NH  January 30, 1949 - April 7, 1969

Douglas Stewart Souther Jr Seabrook NH Vietnam War Casualty
Douglas Stewart Souther Jr Seabrook NH Vietnam War Casualty
Douglas Stewart Souther Jr Seabrook NH Vietnam War Casualty
Douglas Stewart Souther Jr Seabrook NH Vietnam War Casualty
Douglas Stewart Souther Jr Seabrook NH Vietnam War Casualty
Douglas Stewart Souther Jr Seabrook NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Raymond Ernest Stanley: US Marine Corps - Manchester NH  February 17, 1947 - April 30, 1968

Raymond Ernest Stanley Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond Ernest Stanley Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel E-53 Raymond Ernest Stanley Line 23 Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant John Clifton Steer: US Army - Kingston NH  March 22, 1947 - October 31, 1967

John Clifton Steer Kingston NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Clifton Steer Kingston NH Vietnam War Casualty

Lanced Corporal Harold Kenneth Stevens Jr. : US Marine Corps - Keene NH  March 26, 1943 - June 8, 1965

Harold Kenneth Stevens Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty
Harold Kenneth Stevens Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty

Warrant Officer Douglas Earl Stover: US Army - Concord NH  January 1, 1947 - March 26, 1969

Douglas Earl Stover Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Douglas Earl Stover Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Michael Lawrence Succi: US Marines - Portsmouth NH  August 7, 1947 - March 14, 1968

Michael Lawrence Succi Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Michael Lawrence Succi Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Michael Lawrence Succi Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

Chief Petty Officer Allan Francis Sullivan: US Navy - Loudon NH  June 10, 1929 - February 23, 1968

Allan Francis Sullivan NH Vietnam War Casualty - Loudon New Hampshire
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-41 Allan Francis Sullivan Line 4  Loudon NH

MSG Robert Joseph Sullivan (MIA): US Army - East Alstead NH 

November 19, 1936 - July 12, 1967

Robert Joseph Sullivan East Alstead NH Vietnam Casualty
Robert Joseph Sullivan East Alstead NH Vietnam Casualty
Robert Joseph Sullivan East Alstead NH Vietnam Casualty

PFC Terrence Colin Sullivan: US Army - Berlin NH 

April 8, 1947 - May 20, 1967

Terrence Colin Sullivan - Belin NH Vietnam Casualty
Terrence Colin Sullivan - Belin NH Vietnam Casualty

2ns Lieutenant Michael Bernard Sweeney: US Army - Keene NH  November 4, 1946 - December 24, 1967

Michael Bernard Sweeney Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty
Michael Bernard Sweeney Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty
Michael Bernard Sweeney Keene NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Eugene Frederick Sweet Jr.: US Army - Portsmouth NH  July 7, 1949 - January 4, 1968

Eugene Frederick Sweet Jr Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty
Eugene Frederick Sweet Jr Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty

Captain Armand Alvin Sylvestre: US Army - Nashua NH  May 11, 1936 - July 15, 1968

Armand Alvin Sylvestre Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Armand Alvin Sylvestre Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel W-52 Armand Alvin Sylvestre Line 37 Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP4 Winston Adams Taggart: US Army - Manchester NH  June 13, 1947 - December 19, 1967

Winston Adams Taggart Manchester New Hampshire Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam Memorial Wall - Panel E-32 William Adams Taggart Line 28 Manchester NH

Captain Lucien Charles Tessier: US Marine Corps - Manchester NH  December 23, 1944 - September 19, 1968

Lucien Charles Tessier Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Lucien Charles Tessier Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Vietnam War Memorial Wall Panel E-40 Lucien Charles Tessier Line 32 Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Master Sergeant Samuel Silver Theriault: US Army - Rochester NH  January 6, 1934 - November 27, 1967

Samuel Silver Theriault Rochester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Samuel Silver Theriault Rochester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Samuel Silver Theriault Rochester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Robert Paul Titcomb: US Army - Farmington NH  September 28, 1948 - September 9, 1969

Robert Paul Titcomb Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Paul Titcomb Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Chester Towle: US Army - Concord NH 

July 29, 1942 - May 24, 1969

Gary Chester Towle Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty
Gary Chester Towle Concord NH Vietnam War Casualty

Staff Sergeant John A Townsend Jr. : US Army - Manchester NH  August 10, 1930 - December 4, 1968

John A Townsend Jr Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
John A Townsend Jr Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
John A Townsend Jr Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Captain Raymond L Trudeau: US Army - Durham NH  October 2, 1939 - July 24, 1966

Raymond L Trudeau Durham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond L Trudeau Durham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Raymond L Trudeau Durham NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Dennis Nick Vatistas: US Army - Dover NH 

July 12, 1949 - December 22, 1970

Dennis Nick Vatistas Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty - 1
On September 27th, 1941, the Patrick Henry, first Liberty Ship built, was launched, and 2,751 of these ships would follow. Built in 18 shipyards on the east and west coast of the USA, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week the work never stopped. About 250,000 old and young men manned these ships and the casualty rates were the highest per capita with one out of every 26.  The Murmansk Russia voyage was the most famous. Between 1941 and 1945, 800 ships left our shores with cargo and 97 of those were sunk. They carried 22,000 aircraft, 375,000 trucks, 8,700 tractors, 51,500 jeeps, 1,900 locomotives, 344,000 tons of explosives, millions of shoes, rifles, machine guns and food. Convoy #PQ17 with 33 ships left US ports for Russia and only 11 survived. All cargo and about 1,300 men were lost. Hitting the water in the North Atlantic, you could die in a matter of minutes from extreme cold. Many ships were sunk off the east coast prior to and in the early days after the war was declared with Germany. The reason for this was that lights were left on and ships were silhouetted against these lights and German Submarines could pick them off easily. It was common on our shores to pick up boxes and bodies floating in. The wolf packs of German subs took a very heavy toll of ships and men in the early 1940s in the Atlantic Ocean. In the early part of the war, merchant seamen were called a lowlifes, draft dodgers and bums. Nothing was further from the truth. These men were either too old or too young for regular service, or even 4F (Disabled or Unfit for Military Service). The Pacific campaign took a heavy toll on ships from Kamikaze planes. My voyage was on the SS George Eastman, Ship #1104. A cargo of over 10,000 tons of ammunition was aboard. We arrived at Manus Island near New Guinea early on November 12, 1944. On November 10, the ammunition ship, SS Mt. Hood had exploded, killing 385 personnel and wounding 370 other. In the harbor were 82 ships, 36 large ships and 36 smaller vessels were badly damaged. When we pulled into port, there were bodies and parts of bodies everywhere, a terrible disaster. Three other ammunition ships were blown up in the Philippines campaign.  The SS John Burke, December 27th, 1944 had been hit by a suicide plane with the ship and crew of 71 lost. A suicide plane had hit the SS Lewis Dyche on January 12th, 1945 with the entire ship and crew lost. The SS Kyle V Johnson was loaded with ammunition, gasoline and troops was the third to be hit by a suicide plane which crashed through the side of the #3 hold and 128 troops and one seaman were killed. After 3 ammunition ships had exploded, you became a little nervous about being on one, but we did our job because it was absolutely necessary. The two most dangerous ships were #1 the Ammunition and #2 the tankers. I served on ammunition ships and Mr. Armand Dupont who financed the memorial served on tankers. I was a helmsman on the 8 to 12 watch and got to see a lot of destruction first hand. The men in the engine rooms were below deck and never saw the light of day except when off duty. They did not know what was going on topside, truly remarkable men. Both Mr. Dupont and I joined up at the age of 16.
On September 27th, 1941, the Patrick Henry, first Liberty Ship built, was launched, and 2,751 of these ships would follow. Built in 18 shipyards on the east and west coast of the USA, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week the work never stopped. About 250,000 old and young men manned these ships and the casualty rates were the highest per capita with one out of every 26.  The Murmansk Russia voyage was the most famous. Between 1941 and 1945, 800 ships left our shores with cargo and 97 of those were sunk. They carried 22,000 aircraft, 375,000 trucks, 8,700 tractors, 51,500 jeeps, 1,900 locomotives, 344,000 tons of explosives, millions of shoes, rifles, machine guns and food. Convoy #PQ17 with 33 ships left US ports for Russia and only 11 survived. All cargo and about 1,300 men were lost. Hitting the water in the North Atlantic, you could die in a matter of minutes from extreme cold. Many ships were sunk off the east coast prior to and in the early days after the war was declared with Germany. The reason for this was that lights were left on and ships were silhouetted against these lights and German Submarines could pick them off easily. It was common on our shores to pick up boxes and bodies floating in. The wolf packs of German subs took a very heavy toll of ships and men in the early 1940s in the Atlantic Ocean. In the early part of the war, merchant seamen were called a lowlifes, draft dodgers and bums. Nothing was further from the truth. These men were either too old or too young for regular service, or even 4F (Disabled or Unfit for Military Service). The Pacific campaign took a heavy toll on ships from Kamikaze planes. My voyage was on the SS George Eastman, Ship #1104. A cargo of over 10,000 tons of ammunition was aboard. We arrived at Manus Island near New Guinea early on November 12, 1944. On November 10, the ammunition ship, SS Mt. Hood had exploded, killing 385 personnel and wounding 370 other. In the harbor were 82 ships, 36 large ships and 36 smaller vessels were badly damaged. When we pulled into port, there were bodies and parts of bodies everywhere, a terrible disaster. Three other ammunition ships were blown up in the Philippines campaign.  The SS John Burke, December 27th, 1944 had been hit by a suicide plane with the ship and crew of 71 lost. A suicide plane had hit the SS Lewis Dyche on January 12th, 1945 with the entire ship and crew lost. The SS Kyle V Johnson was loaded with ammunition, gasoline and troops was the third to be hit by a suicide plane which crashed through the side of the #3 hold and 128 troops and one seaman were killed. After 3 ammunition ships had exploded, you became a little nervous about being on one, but we did our job because it was absolutely necessary. The two most dangerous ships were #1 the Ammunition and #2 the tankers. I served on ammunition ships and Mr. Armand Dupont who financed the memorial served on tankers. I was a helmsman on the 8 to 12 watch and got to see a lot of destruction first hand. The men in the engine rooms were below deck and never saw the light of day except when off duty. They did not know what was going on topside, truly remarkable men. Both Mr. Dupont and I joined up at the age of 16.

Corporal Thomas Joseph Vezeau: US Marine Corps - Derry NH  June 22, 1951 - February 25, 1970

Thomas Joseph Vezeau Derry NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Joseph Vezeau Derry NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Alfred Viel: US Army - Dover NH 

October 27, 1947 - December 22, 1968

Alfred Viel Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Alfred Viel Dover NH Vietnam War Casualty
Alfred Viel Vietnam Memorial Wall Panel W-36 Alfred Viel Dover Line 66 NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Joseph George Villiard: US Army - Manchester NH  March 7, 1935 - March 24, 1966

Corporal Joseph George Villiard Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Alexander George Wainio: US Marine Corps - Troy NH  October 19, 1948 - May 26, 1967 ( Hill 881)

Alexander George Wainio Troy NH Vietnam War Casualty
Alexander George Wainio Troy NH Vietnam War Casualty
Alexander George Wainio Troy NH Vietnam War Casualty
Alexander George Wainio Troy NH Vietnam War Casualty
Alexander George Wainio Troy NH Vietnam War Casualty

SP6 John Raymond Walker: US Army - Rochester NH  November 29, 1945 - March 20, 1972

John Raymond Walker Rochester NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Raymond Walker Rochester NH Vietnam War Casualty
John Raymond Walker Rochester NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC David Howard Weller: US Marine Corps - Nashua NH  June  15, 1947 - June 2, 1967

David Howard Weller Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
David Howard Weller Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
David Howard Weller Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Gary Norman Whipple: US Army - Claremont NH  November 12, 1948 - December 4, 1968

Gary Norman Whipple Claremont NH Vietnam War Casualty
Gary Norman Whipple Claremont NH Vietnam War Casualty

Corporal Robert Frederick White: US Marine Corps - Newmarket NH  December 9, 1939 - August 18, 1967

Robert Frederick White Newmarket NH Vietnam War Casualty
Robert Frederick White Newmarket NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC Terry James Whittaker: US Marine Corps - Newport NH  March 17, 1947 - April 9, 1967

Terry was son of Betty L. Parizo, stepson of Lawrence O. Parizo; the son of Henry J. Whittaker; dear brother of Dennis and Kevin Whittaker all of Newport New Hampshire. Terry enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps on May 31 1966 in Manchester, and in Vietnam he was assigned to and served with Company B, 3d AMTRAC Battalion, 1st MARDIV (Rein) FMF.

On April 8 a squad from the 2d Battalion, 7th Marines were providing security for some Vietnamese villagers that were clearing fields and cutting bamboo southwest of Hill 10 and the Tien Dao village complex in the Binh Son District in Quang Ngai Province when an explosion occurred. An LVT (Landing Vehicle Track) in support, returning from a short range recon detonated a suspected 155mm artillery round which was rigged as a mine. The vehicle caught fire and was destroyed, one man was killed and several men were wounded, three died from their wounds. One of the casualties was PFC Whittaker, evacuated to the Station Hospital NSA in Da Nang he died the next day from the wounds he has sustained.

PFC Terry James Whittaker Newport NH Vietnam Casualty

Lance Corporal Jonathan Charles Whitticom: US Marine Corps - Laconia NH  July 13, 1947 - June 27, 1967

Jonathan Charles Whitticom Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty
Jonathan Charles Whitticom Laconia NH Vietnam War Casualty

PFC William Wilkowsky Jr. : US Army - Nashua NH 

October 1, 1945 - April 30, 1966

William Wilkowski Jr Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty
William Wilkowski Jr Nashua NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant Thomas Alan Willard: US Army - Farmington NH  December 27, 1948 - June 18, 1969

Thomas Alan Willard Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Alan Willard Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Alan Willard Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Alan Willard Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Alan Willard Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty
Thomas Alan Willard Farmington NH Vietnam War Casualty

Sergeant First Class Alden Bertram Willey: US Army - Campton NH  November 11, 1933 - March 27, 1966

Alden Bertram Willey Campton NH Vietnam War Casualty
Alden Bertram Willey Campton NH Vietnam War Casualty

Missing in Action - MIA

Technical Sergeant Clyde Douglas Alloway: US Air Force - Portsmouth NH  October 18, 1937 - June 6, 1970

Clyde Douglas Alloway Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA
Clyde Douglas Alloway Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA
Clyde Douglas Alloway Portsmouth NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA

Staff Sergeant Frank Neil Badolati: US Army - Goffstown NH  March 19, 1933 - January 29, 1966

Frank Neil Badolati Goffstown NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA
Frank Neil Badolati Goffstown NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA

Colonel Sheldon John Burnett: US Army - Pelham NH 

June 9, 1931 - May 29, 1979

(Body Returned to US)

Colonel Sheldon John Burnett Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Colonel Sheldon John Burnett Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Colonel Sheldon John Burnett Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty
Colonel Sheldon John Burnett Pelham NH Vietnam War Casualty

Colonel Robert Helmich: US Air Force - Manchester NH  November 17, 1931 - September 1, 1978

Gerald Robert Helmich Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty - MIA
Gerald Robert Helmich Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty - MIA
Gerald Robert Helmich Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty - MIA

SP4 Quinten Emile Mulleavey: US Army - North Woodstock NH  December 16, 1948 - April 3, 1968

Quinten Emile Mulleavey North Woodstock NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA
Quinten Emile Mulleavey North Woodstock NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA
Quinten Emile Mulleavey North Woodstock NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA
Quinten Emile Mulleavey North Woodstock NH Vietnam War Casualty MIA
Vietnam War Memorial Wall - Washington DC - E47

Major Albert Linwood Page Jr. : US Air Force - Derry NH  June 28, 1935 - May 28, 1974

Albert Linwood Page Jr Derry NH Vietnam, War Casualty
Albert Linwood Page Jr Derry NH Vietnam, War Casualty
Albert Linwood Page Jr Derry NH Vietnam, War Casualty

Senior Master Sergeant Phillip Joseph Stickney : US Air Force - Manchester NH  December 23, 1937 - June 25, 1974 (Body Returned to US)

Philip Joseph Stickney Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty
Philip Joseph Stickney Manchester NH Vietnam War Casualty

Master Sergeant Joseph Sullivan : US Army - East Alstead NH  November 19, 1936 - July 12, 1967

Robert Joseph Sullivan East Alstead NH Vietnam Casualty
Robert Joseph Sullivan East Alstead NH Vietnam Casualty
Robert Joseph Sullivan East Alstead NH Vietnam Casualty