New Hampshire Women's Service Memorial
Women's Memorial Description
4-foot Stainless Steel Structure inserted into a 2-foot granite base.
The structure in the shape of NH and has tree branches within, in which insignias of service branches will be displayed.
The center of the Granite base will hold an inscription (currently under development).
The front of the base embedded in the ground will be a granite stone graciously thanking major donors.
Surrounding the Memorial will be beautiful vegetation (i.e. trees, shrubs, flowers provided my the NHSVC garden volunteers).
Questions & additional information - please contact MG Gretchen Dunkelbeger Email:

The Story behind the Memorial
On June 12, 1948 President Truman signed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act into law. To commemorate this landmark legislation and to honor service women for their selfless courage, patriotism and leadership, a small group of New Hampshire Veteran Cemetery Association (NHVCA) alum proposed the design, development and construction of a monument at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery (NHSVC).
The NHSVC in Boscawen currently has a lovely memorial walkway located in a wooded area to the right of the main entrance. There are 98+ monuments and benches located throughout the cemetery but none dedicated to women who have served our country. This project hopes to rectify this void.
In 2018 Ms. Sheila Casey (USN vet and NHVCA Alum) reached out to Deb Beattie (a Blue Star Mother), to design the proposed Memorial and then to Andres Institute of Art (Brookline, NH) world renowned sculptor, John Weildman to advance the design.
Sheila then approached the NH General Federation of Women’s Club to consider becoming a major sponsor for the project. Due to a variety of challenges (COVID-19) the project was put on hold. During the summer of 2022, Sheila brought the design to be reviewed by Metal Consultant Harry Learned and was inspired by his thoughts to construct the Memorial via Stainless Steel on Granite Base.
Committee Members:
- Gretchen Dunkelberger
- Sheila Casey
- Pam Cooper
- Marty Gladu
- Brenda Blonigan
- Natalie Mills
- Kathleen Catalina
- Kelly Dobens
- Asheley LaValley
- Jessica Hickey
- Laurie Farris
- Dolores Van Blarcom
- Denise Raisanen
- Susan Cuddy
- Mary Licking